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The pillow under her head was the comfiest she'd ever lay on. It was only every other day that Josephine would let her sleep in her room, on the nights that were too cold to be alone or on mornings when they'd have to be up early to meet Will down by the markets. But Anna savoured those short nights- she lived the warmth, the company of her best friend and the little chats that would keep them up for hours. The softness of the mattress was just an added bonus.

Anna sighed, her head feeling heavier against the bed than when she'd first went to lay down. But then she remembered the day she was dreaming about and the day that would follow it. It was then that Josephine's presence became obvious beside her too, her bushy hair tickling her cheek.

"What will you do?" The older girl asked, turning over beneath the blanket to look at her.

"When?" Anna asked, only to be shushed when her voice was too loud.

"When you find your family," Josephine whispered. "What's the first thing you'll want to do with them?"

Anna swallowed, staring up at the cracks on the ceiling. "I don't know," she said. "I've never thought about it."

"You must have!"

Anna shook her head. "Never."

"Think of something now then."

She paused, breathing out. "I'd ask them to take me to the beach. I want to have another memory of one of my favourite places with them, just like the one I have with you an Will."

Josephine's hand squeezed Anna's. "I think they'd love it. Birmingham is just like here. It's probably be rare they ever get to go to the beach."

"It's a shame," Anna whispered, rolling over to face her friend. "I love the beach more than anywhere in the world."

Josephine smiled, squeezing her hand again.

"Then let's make it happen."


The image of last nights dream filled Anna's head. It made her heart ache both with happiness and a wrongful longing. She missed Josephine longingly but... it had come true. Her want from that day had happened.

The sand was cold beneath her feet- nothing like the trickling, golden sands of Australia's shores. And the waves were loud as they crashed against the beach, a loud roar as the water's darkness brushed against her toes, sending shivers up her bare legs. The wind was passionate too, whipping at the tails of her powder blue dress, sewn new by her mother from an old set of curtains from a baby's room.

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