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To Anna's surprise, Mrs Lightwood had remained true to her word and had brought a dress for her to try. At first she hadn't question where it had come from, as it was noticeably not something the old woman would wear, but she remained quiet, grateful to be receiving a gift as beautiful as the dress was. It was straight bodied, thankfully clinging to nothing and leaving her room to walk with ease, the glint of the sequinned detail across the bodice often glinting in the light as it hit it. She had learned it was a dress from Miss Bennet's extensive wardrobe. Anna was tall for her age and situation, but it seemed that the woman was exceptionally small for hers, meaning the dress wasn't too long, reaching just below the knees and sagging around the chest and arms only.

In the dress, Anna felt different. No longer was she the girl with the skinny arms and dirty clothes. But there was something about being so done up that made Anna feel sad.

The deck was quiet. Most early mornings, the whole boat was cast in a peaceful silence thanks to the laziness of its upstairs passengers. Anna walked along the side, her hand trailing against the cold railing, the other encased around a straw basket. A feeling that could be described as nothing other than guilt had settled into the pit of her stomach, twisting it around as easily as a dishrag. She had been allowed up, and yet so many remained below.

A soft scraping sound emerged from the edge of the deck, behind the steps that Anna was headed to. She rounded the corner, tipping her head above the basket to see Robert. In his hand was a sweeping brush, and in his pockets cleaning cloths and sponges.

"Robert?" She called out, her voice barely being carried by the soft breeze that drifted past them. "Did they give you a job? That's wonderful!"

Robert sighed, looking down at the brush in his hands with a frown. He didn't have the heart to tell her that this was a punishment- not when she looked so relieved and happy to see him, dressed finer than he imagined she ever had. Anna was grinning, her teeth on show.

"They've been so kind. This tray here is to take down for the children. They let me take the last one down." She motioned to the bread basket in her hands.

"The last one?"

His stomach dropped. They had lied to her; they had misused her trust. No food had been delivered since the previous night and a single basket wouldn't even share around the children, never mind the elderly and pregnant women and everyone else.

"Miss Anna-"

"Oh, stop calling me that. I'm not old!" She chuckled, smiling giddily as she joked.

"Just be careful for me, will you?"

"What do you mean?" Her face dropped. Robert looked so serious.

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