family members

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"so, as you can see i brung you to this family meeting for a reason.. a very special reason." jonathan smiled and joseph picked up a piece of pizza.

"your cousins are coming over, possibly to live here."

everyone gasped at the information

"johnny and gappy?" jolyne asked excitedly.
"yes ma'am." jonathan answered.
"please dont fight over whos room they would stay in, they will choose by themself."

everyone nodded and started eating, chatting about anything and what they would do during the weekend.


"do you think gappy would get the guest room or would johnny?" jolyne asked, her and giorno were painting eachothers nails.

"it'll make sense if johnny got it, he is handicap now.." giorno put the mini fan on her nails and she hummed.

"well what tea do we discuss for today?"

"well, i saw josuke peeping at his friend okuyasu while they were in class. he basically had hearts in his eyes" giorno smiled. he loved it when people fell in love, its something he enjoyed for a long time

"i knew it! they always look like theyre dating, but like.. also bro's?"

after peeling off their face mask, finishing eachothers nails, watching videos, eating snacks, and gossiping. it was time for them to leave to their separate rooms.

meanwhile, josuke and joseph were playing minecraft, eating and drinking stuff.

"so hows okuyasu? i heard from a little birdie that you may like him" joseph smirked

josuke akwardly shifted into a more comfortable position to play, "uhm, were good friends.."

"psh, anyone with a brain could tell you have a crush on him."

"well how can you tell?" josuke smiled, earning a little 'hey!' from joseph

"well, i have a brain, so i know! bu-"
josuke cut him off before he could ask another question.
"what about ceasar? you two have been play fighting like two young kids with crushes and arguing like an old married couple." he snickered

"we are perfectly good friendss" joseph said, with a slight blush across his face

"whatever you say dude"


god i have mega writers block

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