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(josuyasu, ceajose, jotakak)

josuke wakes up at around 4:50.

to get his hair done, take a shower, put on his clothes, eats breakfast, and leaves for school. going to a near by corner store to get something to snack on during class, although it's prohibited..

and while he does that, his best friend okuyasu sleeps. he wakes up at 5:00, showers quickly and does his hair, puts on his clothes, and quickly pours some cereal into a plastic bag and runs out the door. he knows he is late so he gives up and goes to whatever store he could find and goes back in his path to school.

thats their routine, occasionally okuyasu would wake up early from a nightmare and watch the sunrise as he quietly walks to school and on lucky days he bumps into josuke on the way.

today wasnt that lucky day so he ended up rushing.

"Mr. Nijimura.." the teacher glared at okuyasu and crossed his arms

"sorry mr. pucci, its hard to wake up yknow?" okuyasu shyly walked to his desk and put his stuff out on the desk.

he glanced around the room as the teacher continued teaching and ended up falling asleep for half the lesson. literature isnt even needed for what job he's going for right? so he deserves a nap.

koichi, his friend, tapped his shoulder. "okuyasu you should pay attention" and that woke him up quickly.

"quit it koichi im tryna sleep." he put his head back down and turned the opposite way from koichi.
"but, you need to learn this, atleast pay attention this time?"

"i already paid attention yesterday." he grumbled
koichi sighed and took okuyasu's notebook.

okuyasu wasnt bothered by this, he already knew that koichi was going to write some stuff down for him, so he will just pay him a snickers bar later.


"ceasarino~" joseph sang.

"what.." ceasar tried not to smile and looked over at joseph, he was pretty good at his poker face
"do you want to come over and play some games or something? ive been bored this whole week."

"cant, have to take care of my siblings." ceasar turned his head over to his notebook and scribbled down notes.

joseph rested his head on his hand and sighed, loud enough for ceasar to hear.
"oh my god.." ceasar said under his breath, "maybe tomorrow or something"

joseph grinned and started to take more notes in his journal,

lisa lisa, his math teacher, heard all of this and smiled to herself.


"hey jotaro," kakyoin tapped jotaro, who was infront of him "does mr. kira seem a bit weird to you?"

jotaro turned around and muttered a "yeah.."

"he is probably a serial killer.." kakyoin rocked in his chair and looked over to the teacher.

"thats silly, why would he be a serial killer?" jotaro smiled

"i dunno, maybe he is a really good one and nobody suspects he is."

"yare yare, you must be bored.." jotaro chuckled

"yeah a bit.."


oak hills highschool (jojo AU)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang