However, she is no longer his student; the school knows that they are engaged. Of course, there are rumors; there are always rumors. Amilia knew she had a choice to make, give into the rush and arousal at this very moment, and risk getting caught in a particularly deserted corridor, where no one even likes to go during the day. Or, should she tease and get him riled up and rush back to her office? Which would be more fun?

"You know you can always tell me if something makes you uncomfortable."

His voice pulled her out of her thoughts, "I know."

"Then what is the matter?"

"I was thinking."

"About what?" He asked.

Amilia pulled her lower lip between her teeth, "My options." She shifted her weight again. She wanted to feel his hands on her again; they had not had much time together these past few weeks. She sighed heavily, "What is it that you want, Severus?"

"It is not up to what I want; you are the one that needs to make a choice." Severus placed his hands on her shoulders, comfortingly, he never wanted her to feel like she owed him anything. He never wanted to make her feel like he was pressuring her to do anything.

Amilia glanced at his hand before shrugging it away. She started down towards the end of the corridor. She was not exactly sure what she wanted to do at that very moment, despite the heavy presence of desire ebbing off of both of them. She could hear him walking softly behind her as she pondered her decision.

Fuck it.

Amilia turned around, quickly closing the space between them and slithering her hands up his chest and around his neck. Severus stood there, surprised. With all her hesitation, he expected her to take him to her office at the least. She was pulling his face down to hers, her lips brushing against his, her eyes sharp and demanding.

"What is this?" he asked.

"I cannot always be afraid of doing something."

"And yet, this is something that can have serious repercussions," Severus whispered against her lips. He felt her tense up in his arms, momentarily before rolling her eyes. Severus smiled slyly, sliding his hands into her nightrobe. Her shirt was warm and soft under his rough fingertips. He refused to take his eyes off hers; she stared intently into his, daring him. He took the time to stroke her waist as he pulled her closer, pressing himself against her. His hands were creeping over her hips, cupping her ass ever so slightly.

Without taking her eyes off of his, Amilia began to unbutton his signature black jacket. Underneath was another black shirt, no buttons, but it clung to his slim form. She ran her green fingernails along the collar of this piece of cloth; she felt goosebumps rise with each passing. She smiled to herself before gently dragging her fingernails down his chest. She could feel the fabric of his shirt snagging when she passed over one of his scars.

Severus had pulled her blouse out of the waistband of her skirt, his slender fingers gliding down the center unbuttoning the top three buttons, pulling the fabric to the side, and admiring the tops of Amilia's breasts. Her beige bra decorated with lace begged to be touched. With one nimble finger, he traced the lace, relishing in the softness of her skin. Severus watched the pleasure flash across the woman's face, placing his free hand on the small of her back, guiding her to the nearest wall, kicking her feet apart.

A small breath passed her lips as the cold stone wall touched her back. "I am fine." She breathed, reassuring him. Severus leaned down, kissing her, gently at first, then a little harder, more demanding. Her hands found the buttons to his trousers; she fumbled with them for a moment before finding the zipper. In the quiet corridor, no one would have been able to mistake that sound had others near them.

Using the hand that was not trapped between the cold wall and Amilia's warm body, Severus, began gathering up her skirt, pulling it up off of the floor and up enough to where he could easily feel her. Amilia wound her fingers into his hair at the nape of his neck, forcing his face to be level with hers. Severus lowered his head further, placing his lips against her neck, blowing on it as he rubbed his hooked nose along her jaw. He breathed her in, enjoying the heat that they were already creating in the chilled corridor; in the soft light near them, he could barely make out the outline of her erect nipples. Severus hungrily pushed aside her panties, his long fingers diving into her folds, stroking her, making her even wetter than she already was.

Amilia moaned softly, reaching into his trousers and pulling out his penis, slowly and deliberately gliding her hand up and down his shaft. She could hear him softly chuckle as he gently bit her neck.

"Expose them, Amilia." He gazed at her down his nose, slightly raising his eyebrow. Amilia blinked quickly, pulling herself out of her aroused daze. She was vibrating desire, and he needed her now.

Amilia furrowed her brow slightly, following his gaze. She chuckled softly, releasing him from her grasp before slipping the top of her bra down under breasts. She watched as his thin lips spread into a sheepish grin—his long fingers pumping inside of her. "Severus," She breathed.

He chuckled and slid his hand down and cupped her ass again; he took his hand from underneath her skirt and lifted her off the floor. Gently he lowed Amilia onto his waiting member. He watched as she winced slightly and then relaxed with a sigh. "Hold on tight, darling." He huskily said in her ear. Amilia shuddered, wrapping her arms around his neck. Slowly he began to bounce her up and down, causing her to become wetter than she was before.

Amilia panted softly, but even then it echoed in the deserted corridor. Severus had switched his hand to hold the small of her back and one hand bracing against the wall. His eyes were lidded heavily. He thrust in and out of her, grunting each time. Amilia felt that familiar pressure rise in her groin; her breath hitched in her throat.

Severus eagerly watched her breasts bounce in their little cage, trapped in the confines of the blouse. He reveled in the sight, the sweat beading upon them, and the goosebumps that followed each of his breaths as it escaped his lips.

Then he heard it, come my sweet. The thought was clear as day, Severus's eyes snapped open. He lifted her and set her feet on the floor. Amilia groaned. "Fix your shirt." He hissed.

"Wha...what?" She huffed. Severus shoved his penis into his trousers and yanked her blouse in front of her. Amilia scowled and drew her night robes in front of herself.

"Well, well, well, what have we here?"

Amilia turned her head and caught a glimpse of graying hair and a sneer on cracked thin lips.

"Argus," Severus said blandly.

"Ah, Snape. Miss Hubbard?"

"Hello, Mr. Filch."

Filch looked between the two of them. "Shouldn't you be doing patrols, missy?"

"Mind your manners." Severus snapped, "She is no longer a student."

"Of course, of course." Filch knelt and picked up his cat. She purred happily but never took her eyes off of the two lovers. "Come, my pet. We must continue our rounds. Then off to bed with us." The caretaker walked past them, leering at Amilia.

Way to ruin a mood, Amilia pouted, and Severus growled. She shoved her hands into her blouse, fixing her bra, only to button her shirt. "Severus, I need to finish my patrols."

"Yes, you do. Good night Amilia."

Yours, SS [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now