"Why not stay in England?"

Robert sighed. "I need a fresh start. Something away from all the sadness and the memories."

She could tell from the simply way his eyes creased below the lid that the topic brought the man great sorrow. So, she skimmed around it, choosing merely to say "I understand," and let him carry on.

"What about you?" He asked.

"They're putting new with another family." Anna sighed. She had tried so hard to push the thoughts away that she had almost forgotten the fact, and it made her bitter. "Looks like I'm not escaping this time."

"Maybe it will be good for you," said Robert and she shrugged. "To have someone to take care of you properly."

"My mother could have done that. If they let me get to her."

She could feel his stare in the side of her face. He was judging her, not that he ever meant to, but she could still feel it, like a weight falling against her shoulders each time he looked at her like that. As if she was a child left at a doorstep.

"I'm going to peak a look."

Anna left him again to step up the silver ladders, her hair falling messily against her face as she peered over the deck. She held her breath as her eyes glazed over the hint of the horizon that could be seen past the railing. And there it was: land. It was barely more than a slab of rock against the entirely blue surroundings, almost blending into the skyline like an impressionist's stroke, from where she stood.

Sooner than she realised, they were docking. Anna's bag was tucked under her arm as she followed Robert up the steps, the sun pricking at her eyes as they were pulled onto the deck, joining the long string of shuffling passengers as they hurried down the ramp to the pier.

The first thing she noticed was the heat. It was stifling, layering sweat on her head within seconds of stepping into the open. But, god, it was brighter than she had ever seen before! Where was the clouds, the grey fog that hung over the cities? Where was the cool winds that swept the floors even on the warmest of days. Perhaps she would like Australia after all- not that she would be there long enough to find out, she had her family to think about.

Anna stepped out onto the ramp that lead from the boat. Her heart was beating in excitement, having spent so long stuck on the boat. They were finally leaving. Below she could see the shimmer of the clear waters brushing against the side. She edged forward as far as she could, desperate to see her first glimpse of the country other than the water, but a hand clamped around her forearm. She whizzed around, expecting to see Robert behind her, leading her to a shortcut, but she stared back at the glare of Mr Elsner.

"Not so fast!" He spat, yanking her backwards and out of the line.

"Let go," she said, attempting to tug her arm back as if it had all been a misunderstanding.

"Mr Elsner, what are you doing?" Mrs Lightwood appeared from the dining hall, her companions behind her as always and trailed by a worker, many suitcases trembling in his arms.

"This girl, owes me for the food and the clothes and the stay. Does she not?" He growled in answer.

"You tricked me! For that, I owe you nothing," Anna screamed, her arm still held tightly in his iron-like grip.

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