Chapter One: The Scent of Pain

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Chapter 1:

        Buffy was out walking the streets in search for anything she could kill. Failing at her mission caused her frustration, but she never let that affect her senses. She headed for the cemetery, hoping to find any demons to fight. She was only trying to make sure nothing else decided to open up the Hellmouth again. Maybe she was trying too hard, seeing how this was her fifth night in a row patrolling. Once she entered the cemetery, she saw how quiet everything was. She went and sat down on a nearby tombstone. She really didn't know why she kept going out. With the Hellmouth being dormant, should mean safe, right? No, certainly not. With Sunnydale's reputation, you can never be too careful because the moment you do...bang! Apocalypse!

         As she just sat there waiting, she got this eerie feeling like she was being watched. Standing up and looking around, she didn't see anything. But that didn't mean that nothing was there watching her. She then decided to search more throughout the cemetery when suddenly she stopped dead in her tracks. Up ahead was a place she was not ready to see just yet. It brought a deep sadness to her; Spike's Crypt. She slowly walked up to the door as she placed her hand on the handle and then finally opened it. Standing in the doorway she examined the room. Everything was still the same as when Spike had left to stay at her home. Slowly walking down the steps, she went and sat down in Spike's recliner. Looking around the room once again, she caught his scent like he was there with her. 

Buffy's Dream:
Buffy was in the High School just walking down the hallway in a daze. The environment around her was peaceful. The school wasn't destroyed anymore and everything was like the war never happened. Making her way to the basement, it immediately changed. The door that led to the Seal of Danzalthar was right before her. Entering the room, the Seal was uncovered and opened. She kneeled down before the Seal and went to peek inside when suddenly Spike popped out, grabbing her by the throat and screaming in her face, "YOU DIDN'T SAVE ME!!"
End Dream.

        She woke up with a start realizing that she was still in Spike's Crypt, laying down on his recliner. Sitting up and rubbing her face she looked around to only see that what she had seen wasn't real. 

'When did I fall asleep?' she thought to herself. Getting out of the recliner she got that feeling like she was being watched again. This time if felt safe to her... familiar. 

"Spike?" She looked around the room and saw that she was the only one there. 'I must be crazy' she thought to herself once again. 

        She quickly ran out of the crypt closing the door behind her and just fell against the door as she slid down onto the cement. What was she thinking? Spike was gone and was never coming back. He had sacrificed himself to save the world. He was indeed a true champion. Buffy got to her feet and began making her way out of the cemetery when her thoughts got the best of her. 

'Spike did choose to wear that amulet. None of them knew, not even him what it would do' she thought to herself once again. 

        If only she knew. Maybe if she knew what it would do, she could have found another way for it to end. Maybe he would still be alive... and again maybe not. Knowing how stubborn he was, he probably would have worn it anyway. Still... she really missed having him around. He was always there for her when she felt down. Even when she was so hateful to him he was still there for her. She knew how much he loved her. He was always there when things were really bad with danger. That whole thing with Glory; when he didn’t sell Dawn out proved that he really did care for her. Did she ever show it back? Not really. 

        Everything he ever did to show her that he cared; she always made sure to let him know how much it did mean to her; in her own way. All those times he was there meant so much to her. He protected Dawn all those days when she was dead and he didn't have to. He chose to do it. He could have left town and continued on with his life, but he chose to stay. When Willow and the others did that spell to bring her back from the dead, he understood the darkness she felt inside. He knew how she felt, longing for death. He is…er…was... a vampire. He always longed for that same darkness and the lust for one another. Buffy did have feelings for him, yes, but they both knew deep down how wrong it was to be together. She is being the Slayer and him a vampire.

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