
I turned around, hoping to face her but instead was greeted by pepper spray that hit my face. I covered my eyes, that were burning from the spray. It was my first time to ever get pepper sprayed and it was definitely not the best experience.

"Yoo Seojin!", I heard a shout from our trainer.

I dropped to the floor, in pain. I expected that it would only hurt my eyes, but the burning sensation was happening in my throat and nose as well. I kept coughing from the sensation.


That voice belonged to Jeno.

I felt a pair of hands hold onto my left and right shoulders.

"Are you hurt?", he asked in a gentle voice.

"No shit sherlock", I was frustrated that I couldn't see anything.

His hands disappeared from my shoulders and I couldn't predict what was going to happen, as my sight wasn't back.

"What happened here?", Jeno deadpanned. "Was it Hyerin or Seojin's fault?"

"I-It's Seojin's fault", a voice croaked.

"Seojin was being a bitch", another voice added. "Hyerin just gave her a taste of her own medicine"

"They're lying Sir Lee!", Seojin shouted. "Hyerin... She's planning to play with your feelings so I had to do something!"

Even if I knew that it was all false, I didn't know why the tears fell down. It could've been the pepper spray though.

"How do you know that?", Jeno calmly asked.

"I-I saw gifts from another person in her locker!", she lied. "It wasn't from you and I..."

"Let's see then", Jeno spoke.

"Hey, it's Jaemin", I heard a whisper beside me. "I'll help you with the pepper spray"

He guided me to the bench and helped me sit down.

"The bathroom is too far from here so I just have some cold water here and a bowl", Jaemim explained. "The water is in the bowl already, rinse your eyes and face with it."

I followed what he said and rinsed my face which helped a bit. I jolted a bit when I heard a locker door slam against the metal.

"You meant these gifts?", I heard Jeno ask.

There wasn't a response from Seojin.

"These were all from me. I wanted to keep it private because she doesn't like anyone knowing", Jeno explained. "She wanted to stay low profile. I respected that but I can see you can't."


"You're fired, Hong Seojin", Jeno spat.


"Did I not make myself clear?", Jeno asked.

Seojin didn't answer.

I heard footsteps coming towards me and felt a hand grab onto my wrist.

"Thanks Jaemin, I'll take it from here", Jeno said and I got up from the bench. I held onto Jeno because my vision was still black. "Oh right, I have something to say."

Jeno cleared his voice before speaking.

"I would like to speak about the so-called rumors that are going around from person to person working at this company", Jeno spoke loud and clear. "I like Kim Hyerin"

"I'm not sure if she likes me back. She is not a gold digger. She is a hardworking girl, who understands right from wrong. She's kind and independent. I like her for that, not for her looks or physique", Jeno explained. "So if rumors still circulate after this, I will sue every person that took part of it for defamation."

With that, he dragged me out of the room and took me to the elevator. I couldn't say anything, because I was still in shock with everything. He carefully led me out the elevator and took me inside his office, as he informed me.

He sat me down on his couch and he sat beside me. He placed his hands on both sides of my cheeks and felt his eyes on me.

"Jeno, I'm okay", I tried to assure him.

"Can you see anything?", he asked softly. "Did she hurt you anywhere else?"

"I can't see anything yet but she didn't hurt me anywhere else", I answered.

"Let's go to the hospital, what if you go permanently blind", he sounded really worried. He held my hands and squeezed it slightly.

"I heard it just lasts for around ten minutes or so", I assured. "I'll be okay, so don't bring me to the hospital."

"What if—"

"I promise I'm okay, I just need to wait for the effects to wear off", I told him.

"Promise me that", Jeno said.

"I can't see your pinky to pinky swear, Jeno", I told him. "You can be stupid sometimes."

"Who said we'll pinky swear?", he asked. "Why not seal the promise with a kiss?"

"Oh wait, no I have my vision back", I lied and held out my pinky. "I promise."

I waited for him to complete the pinky promise but he didn't. Instead, I felt a pair of lips pressing down onto mine.

 Instead, I felt a pair of lips pressing down onto mine

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