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A/n: Have a angst plot because i feel like fucking shit, yayy :)

It was a nice day of collage, Person A had a normal schedule, walking to the bigass crowd and they noticed person B looking at them  with a smile. Later that night A had a nightmare about B. The nights have kept going with the same nightmare of the same person over and over again, messing around with Person's A's head until they had the courage at the day of collage to find Person B, but there was no one who looks like them. Person A was about to give up and live in their now horrible nights, until a group of collage students we're talking about a person, probably Person B that surprisingly had died that recently. Person's B's death was a gun shot, and the day that they we're lastly seen was the day that Person A saw them. Basically, Person B's spirit gets into Person A's dreams to contact them or some shit, the end- lmao

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