14-Keaton Family Dinner

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   "Bye everyone," Alex and Anna said to some of their coworkers, giving polite waves as they left the building. They sat in the front seats of Anna's car and began to leave the parking lot, backing out into the street.

   "Are you nervous?" Alex asked, gripping the seat. Anna laughed lightly.

   "I'm not. For some reason, you are though," she said.

   "You're meeting my family. Forgive me if I'm a little anxious," he said. Anna rolled her eyes and turned the wheel slightly.

   "Don't be nervous lover boy. Your family is going to love me," she said in a joking tone.

   "It's not you I'm worried about babe," he said. She squinted.

   "Let's pick a different nickname," she said. He nodded, understanding the certain boundary.

   "Kiddo?" He said. She fake gagged. "Schmoopie?"

   "Worse," she said.

   "Sweet cheeks?" he said.

   "Now you're just reading out of 'the book of worst nicknames,'"  she said. He laughed, knowing that none of the names were logical or romantic.

   "What about beautiful?" He said. She smiled.

   "That's the one," she said. She parked in the Keaton's driveway, and they unbuckled their seatbelts, ready for the adventure up ahead.

   "Okay," Alex said, more to himself then to Anna. He continued to stare out the window and stayed sitting in the seat. Anna rolled her eyes and walked over to his door, opening it and grabbing his arm, pulling him out. He jumped up in front of her and immediately began to kiss her. She kissed him back. Separating, they stared at each other with grins painted across their faces.

"Come on," she said, holding her hand out for him. He took it in his own and they walked to the door, opening it. Alex peaked in and saw his family sitting in the living space, and he smiled at them.

"Alex!" Andy exclaimed excitedly. Alex walked a few more steps and picked the boy up in a hug. Anna followed in with a bright smile.

   "Hi everyone," Alex said, setting the boy down, and grabbing the small of Anna's back, moving her forward. "This is Anna."

   The family all moved to greet her. Anna wasn't surprised, as she remembered the stories Alex had told of his sweet family. They eventually moved to the kitchen and sat down for dinner.

   "So Anna, tell us about yourself," Elyse said. Anna thought for a second, organizing her life story in her mind.

   "Well what would you like to know?" She asked them. They asked her questions, avoiding the topics Alex had aggressively and warningly told them not to mention. Everything was going smoothly.

"So Anna, what's it like working with a control freak like Alex?" Mallory asked. Anna laughed lightly, loving the energy that Alex's sisters and brother created.

"Well that's the good thing about my job. I'm higher up then he is so he has no power against me," she said. The family laughed and Alex gave her a dramatic face. She laughed and took his hand in her own.

"So what I'm hearing is, he has to do whatever you say," Jennifer said. Anna shrugged, still lightheartedly laughing and smiling.

"I mean... he can't say no," she said. The family enjoyed the conversation immensely, and Anna was truly entertained. She couldn't help but think that she could get used to these moments.

"So what did you think?" Alex asked as they sat in his car, parked in Anna's family's driveway.

"They're perfect," she said. "Your family cares so much. I can tell."

"Yeah. They do," he replied, remembering what she had said about her parents. "Your sister and brother in law are pretty great too."

"Yeah," she said, laughing. "Wait until you've seen them after they've been awake with Millie all night."

"I'll pass," he replied. He leaned forwards and kissed her. "Goodnight Anna."

"Are you sure you don't want to come in?" She questioned, hoping he would. He smiled and shook his head no, wishing they could spend a few more minutes together.

"I promised Andy I would watch Wall Street Week with him tonight," he said. She laughed, lightly, leaning foward to give him another kiss.

"Okay. Goodnight, love you," she said.

"Love you too," he replied as she opened the door and cheerfully walked up the steps to the house. She unlocked the door and walked in to see Matt and Chloe lovingly slow dancing in the living room with no music.

"Hey Anna. How was your date?" Chloe asked, never breaking eye contact with her husband.

"It was amazing," she replied. "May I cut in?"

"Of course," Matt said, passing Chloe to Anna as the two sisters danced.

"So were they nice?" The older of the two asked, referring to the famous Keaton family.

"They were the nicest. I can tell they are just so... loving," she said. Chloe smiled widely.

"Good. You deserve the best."

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