Chapter 30

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Kahlo janiyah combsContinuation

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Kahlo janiyah combs

I stared at the pregnancy test as tears rolled down my face

He really did it...I was pregnant

I don't know what I'm going to do

"Kahlo it's okay wipe those tears from your face" dr.grace said rubbing my back

"Babies are suppose to be an exciting thing" she smiled

"Of course" I mumbled getting up

"Even then you have other options like abortion or adopt-

"I got it thank you" I said before walking out

I looked around the hospital for kentrell as I walked to the elevator

He probably left...I'll be okay tho

The elevator opened and I walked in pushing the 4th floor button on the elevator pad

The doors closed and I laid my back on the wall as it moved

I don't know if I should be happy or sad but it was what it was

I opened my legs and did what I did this was my responsibility

The elevator dinged and the door opened , I quickly walked out to my room

"Kahlo that was a long walk where did you go to?" Dr.jones asked as I was about to open my room door

"We took a long walk around the parking lot" I said slickly hiding the pregnancy test

"Mhm okay have a good night" she said before I nodded opening up my door

I closed it and locked it making sure she didn't come up in here

I walked further into my room and jumped when I seen kentrell laying on the hospital bed

"I thought you left" I said lowly walking around to the other side as he watched tv

He ain't respond to me so I sat on the bed looking at the tv

It was quiet whoever broke first was either going to have to ask or tell it

He was really acting like I wasn't sitting right here

"Kentrell I'm pregnant" I sighed throwing the test on him

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