𝐏𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝟏𝟎

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N: the truth is..

Y/n: what? You're making me nervous, just tell me.

N: Mirio lost his quirk.

Y/n: uh, Hado? That isn't something to joke about, You know.

N: I'm not lying. Why would I be?

Y/n: wait, so.. you're serious?! He lost it?

N: ..yeah

Y/n: ..I'm sorry, I have to go.

You shut off your phone.

"Why does this have to happen," you thought. You couldn't believe it. You thought if you were faster, he wouldn't have lost it.. right? Mirio was a close friend to you at this point, it was hard taking in that information. Both him and Tamaki were hospitalized in different rooms at the moment so you couldn't be there for them, but you told yourself that you would apologize to Mirio about him loosing his quirk. Deep down you knew it wasn't your fault with the little bit of positivity still inside you, but something was telling you it was. You decided to clear your head and play (favorite song) on your phone. Eventually, you fell asleep.


"Miss (y/n), you have a visitor," recovery girl spoke to you. At first you thought it would've been your mother, but did I mention? Your mom was actually a pro hero, Itsuka (L/n). Of course she would've been busy, but she said she promised to call you when she had time, so you had to be patient. You knew that it wasn't gonna be so soon, but you knew she would one day. Your visitor was actually Tamaki, his face and chest were bandaged up, but overall he was okay. He just wanted to make sure you were okay as well, he had already visited Mirio. As you know they were best friends, of course he would spend all day talking to him. Unfortunately he couldn't talk to him anymore because the doctor had to test some stuff.

"(Y/n), did you know yet..?" He quietly asked.

You were already expecting what he was going to say. "Yeah, I know... Mirio lost his quirk."

He knew you knew because Nejire told him, but he looked like he wanted to say something else.

"Tamaki.. is there.. something wrong?" He looked a little worried.

"I think it's best if you figure out on your own." He was always like this, you just wanted him to tell you.

"No, Tamaki, please don't leave me off like that this time. Please?.." eventually he felt bad for you, so he ended up telling you instead.

"Well, Sir Nighteye was injured really bad, and.."
You didn't expect what he was going to say next, at all.

"W-we t-think he's going to d-die.." his eyes started to water like he was about to cry. Those words hit hard on you.

"Wait.. really? Can we see him?! Please?!" You were scared that you wouldn't be able to say goodbye to him. You didn't want him to die, even if you didn't interact with him a lot. You just wanted him to know how much you cared, and how much you still will care.

"He has a lot of visitors right now, but.. maybe we should change so that when they are done we can see him in time.." you went along with it, and changed into a casual outfit in a separate bathroom.

You and Tamaki waited for what seemed like days. Minuets turned into hours, and hours turned into a day. You figured you would only be able to see him when Mr. Aizawa invited you guys in, which was fine by you, although you were still nervous that he would die before then.


"(Y/n) and Tamaki, please come over here. It's your turn now." Mr. Aizawa guided you and Tamaki into his room, revealing Mirio and Deku behind the door, crying. You and Tamaki rushed over to his hospital bed to see what was going on. It seemed like he was talking to Mirio and Deku, and right before you went over there, he finished. He looked over at you and said something.

"Miss (y/n), I've heard about your quirk, how it's been getting stronger day by day. I'm sure you will be fighting out there just like your mother, young one. I believe you will be very successful in the future, good luck." That left you in tears, you never thought you would become as great as your mom.

"And you, Tamaki. Despite your anxiety I believe in you, we all do. You've become such a great hero from the start, I know you can do it. Don't give up."

The moment after he said that, his heart stopped beating.

"NO!! YOU CAN'T GO PLEASE!" Mirio was shouting. You knew how much Sir Nighteye meant to him, so there definitely was a reason for him to. You felt bad for him, aside with Uraraka. You knew she also felt bad because she was the one who carried them back, she felt like you. "Why couldn't I be faster..?"

That's the end of this chapter. I know I said I would update soon but my schedule is really crazy and I just haven't found time to write, I'm really sorry for that. I will finish this book though, I'm just not sure when-

Words: 885

Tamaki Amajiki x Fem!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now