Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

“since when did you stop being a vegetarian?” Addy said to Toby as she continues cooking their dinner, it’s Christmas eve and her mum and brother are coming over to her flat.

“since we started dating” Toby said as-a-matter-of-factly as he chops the ingredients for their meal, he remained quiet for a few more minutes before Addy noticed his silence

“you’re awfully quiet today, what’s wrong?” Addy said, she stopped stirring and scooted closer to Toby’s side

“nothing, I’m just—I’m…nervous”

“nervous about what?” Addy said as she looked into his eyes, she touched his arm in attempt to make him calm

“you know, you’re family’s coming over and—“

“you already met them, darling… you don’t have to be nervous now” Addy said as she teased Toby

“I know but… we weren’t together then” Toby said his bright blue eyes getting wary

“there’s nothing to be nervous about, they liked you then, I’m sure they’ll still like you now… besides, what happened to the I-don’t-care-what-other-people-think attitude?” Addy said when she touched his cheek, Toby gave her a small smile and proceeded chopping some garlic and onions. Addy heard the doorbell rang and she noticed Toby tensed, she readjusted his collar and spoke

“relax darling, they’re just my mother and brother, they won’t bite” Addy  said as she placed a quick peck on his lips before getting the door

*few hours later*

“wow that was some meal, you really can cook, sweetie” Addy’s mom said to her when they finished eating dinner

“actually, I’ve had some help from Toby” Addy said to her mother as she throws Toby a knowing look

“oh, you’re a talented young man… Addy told me you made this cake all by yourself?” Addy’s mom said to Toby, he felt his cheeks blushed a little from the compliment

“uhm… yeah” Toby said still a little nervous, though his smile tells that he’s quite proud of his little achievement

“it’s a work of art, look at the tiny details that you were able to put on it, not to mention that it tastes heavenly… my daughter’s a lucky girl” Addy’s mom said, her voice filled with admiration as she stares at Toby then to the cake with tiny little snowflakes on top, no two snowflakes looked exactly alike and each of them has a unique and elegant design.

“believe me ma’am, I’m much more lucky to have her… I might even be the luckiest man in the whole universe” Toby said with a wide smile as he looked at Addy with love and awe

“call me Janine please, ‘ma’am’ sounds so formal” Addy’s mom said to Toby, her voice as soothing as her daughter’s

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