chapter 2

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When I woke up I noticed that I was no longer in my room, but in a place that looked more like a sorority house
"w-where am I?" I muttered, not strong enough to speak properly, and then I remembered what happened last night, the wolf
"W-what happened to me?"
"The night runner chose you," a voice said and I lifted my head to see Randall with Hamish and Lillith
"what are you talking about?" I asked him
"we are the knights of saint Christophe-"
"dude we're werewolves" Randall cut Hamish off excitedly

When I woke up I noticed that I was no longer in my room, but in a place that looked more like a sorority house "w-where am I?" I muttered, not strong enough to speak properly, and then I remembered what happened last night, the wolf "W-what happe...

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"and we have a lot to tell you so it's probably good that you're sitting down" Hamish said but I stood up
"I-I'm sorry this is too much for me I need to go" I said before I ran outside and from there I already knew the way back to my dorms.
I stayed there until I heard a knock on my door, I refused to open it, thinking it was Randall or worse, Lillith
"y/n it's Jason open up" Jason? OMG Jason!
I ran up to the door, opened it, and practically jumped in Jason "I missed you so much"
"I can see that" he chuckled and I let him go "not my fault you disappeared from the earth, what kind of bestie are you?" I pouted
"I'm sorry, can I make it up to you with a drink?"
"You always know the way to my heart" I smirked and we left for the bar.
I was anxious the whole time, anxious that they will come after me now that I'm like them, but things seemed to go smooth.
I told Jason about everything that happened since he left including my mom's death.
"I'm so sorry I couldn't be there for you y/n, I know how close the two of you were, I can't imagine what you went through" he apologized to me

and I shook my head "I had my dad, it's all that I needed to believe me" I told him before I moved my head a little to his left to see Randall, Hamish, and Lillith sitting in a booth, looking directly at me, shit

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and I shook my head
"I had my dad, it's all that I needed to believe me" I told him before I moved my head a little to his left to see Randall, Hamish, and Lillith sitting in a booth, looking directly at me, shit.
"I-I have to go" I stuttered and ran out from the bar only to be caught by Lillith
"you're coming with us" she growled angrily before she started dragging me towards the place o woke up at this morning.
When we got there she just casually threw me on the couch
"well you're definitely not lacking any hospitality" I said sarcastically
"calm down" Hamish told me "calm down? You kidnapped me!"
"It wasn't kidnapping, you just wouldn't stop running away" Randall sighed "you're insane" "not nice. But not the worst I've been called" he frowned
"can we just kill her?" Lillith asked angrily and before I could come back with some good sassy remark my body started going nuts.
My heart was beating fast, my hands were shaking, it felt like I'm having a seizure
"w-what's happening to me?"
"Your wolf is trying to get out," Randall told me "h-how do I stop it?" I asked him
"don't. Just let her out y/n, she needs to go out" Hamish told me, and I did.
I felt every bone in my body brake before white fur covered it and I transformed into a full wolf and everything that happened from there was a complete blur.

I felt every bone in my body brake before white fur covered it and I transformed into a full wolf and everything that happened from there was a complete blur

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I woke up the next day in the woods in my shirt that was ripped and so was my pants.
I looked around me to see if I can find my phone only to find a body lying next to me.
It was a man in his 40s with brown hair that for some reason seemed familiar.
Panicked that someone will see his body, I quickly buried it underground.
I sighed and scratched my bones a I walked into my dorms only to gasp in surprise when I see Randall inside it
"can you not Do that? You scared me to death!" "Time's up. Hamish and Lillith are looking for you" he told me
"Ugh just let them kill me I'm going to suck at this" I sighed as I cleaned the blood from my face "
whoa, as your RA it's kind of sound like you're depressed and this whole look supports my theo-"
"I just killed my ethics professor! I woke up next to his dead body! " jack shouted as he barged into my room
"great I guess now privacy is overrated" I said sarcastically

 Hamish and Lillith are looking for you" he told me "Ugh just let them kill me I'm going to suck at this" I sighed as I cleaned the blood from my face "whoa, as your RA it's kind of sound like you're depressed and this whole look supports my theo-...

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"if silverback killed your ethics professor, he must have had a good reason. What's the last thing you remember?" Randall asked jack
"was with Benson, outside of her house. What if I killed her too?" Jack panicked and before any of us could reply he ran out.
"I killed a man to Randal, but what's strange about it is that he seemed so familiar"
I told Randall
"think about last night, try to remember what happened after you shifted " he instructed me and I closed my eyes so I can focus.
I saw the man I killed in the graveyard, it seemed like he was harvesting magic from one of the graves, my wolf went full-on attack mode once she saw it.
I opened my eye to see Randall looking at me with a hopeful face
"he was a part of the order "I sighed and he smiled "yes! See? I didn't lie to jack when I said that if your wolf killed someone it's for a reason "
"I really need a showed tell killith and Hamish that if they want to kill then they can go for it, if not, give me time, I just shifted for the first fucking time"  he nodded his head and walked towards the door "okay, understood, and my offer from a few days ago still stands" he said with a small smiled before he left to find jack.

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