Chapter 12: Congratulations, bro

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By the time it was seven Derek was all but shaking with nerves, he had no clue how one person could impact him so strongly. He took one last breath before knocking on Stiles' door, anxiously flattening his green henley. It was a matter of seconds before the door swung open and the breath was knocked out of his lungs once more. Stiles was wearing a red sweater that complimented his skin perfectly. (How have I never realized how beautiful he actually is?) "H-hey, you ready?", he forced out clumsily. Stiles smiled, "I was born ready! Let's go."


They managed to find the best seats of the theater and plopped down with their popcorn just in time for the movie. It took Derek about ten minutes to actually watch the movie instead of watching Stiles, who was wearing glasses now. (For God's sake, Hale, get your shit together!) "This is nice, the movie I mean." Stiles snorted, "I'm surprised you can tell, since you haven't been watching it one bit for the past fifteen minutes." Derek blushed, "Right... I tend to get distracted. Sorry." Stiles shook his head, "Oh no, don't apologize, it's quite endearing."

The rest of the movie went by in a haze, Derek's mind was all over the place. After the end credits started rolling they left the theater and slowly walked back to campus. "So... did you enjoy yourself?", Derek asked hesitantly. Stiles bumped his shoulder, " You could take me to a funeral and I'd still enjoy myself. Thank you for taking me, Derbear." Derek smiled, partially relieved, "Anytime." (This may be just another 'totally platonic friends'- outing, but at least it ended well...)


They arrived at Stiles' dorm and stood in front of his door somewhat awkwardly. "This is me...", Stiles said. Derek chuckled, "I know where you live, Sti." Stiles flushed bright, "Right! Because you know me!" He cringed at his own words and opened the door to hide his embarrassment. He turned to Derek, "I had a lot of fun though!" Derek smiled sheepishly, "Me too!" Stiles had been stalling as long as he could, but this was just getting weird.

"Well um... Goodnight, then?" Derek nodded with what seemed to be disappointment, "Right, yeah! Goodnight." Stiles smiled one last time and then closed the door, releasing a deep sigh as he rested his back against it. He was about to undress for bed when there was a soft knock, he frowned and opened the door once again. "Derek? What's wrong?"

The other boy stood in the doorpost, visibly deflated, with his hands in his pockets. He sighed, "I think I'm in love with you." Stiles' jaw dropped, "WHAT!?" Derek squared his shoulders, bravely looking up, "I'm in love with you. And I know I should've told you sooner, but I was afraid of losing you and-" "You're kidding, right?", Stiles interrupted. He pulled Derek inside and closed the door, "You literally had me at 'We'll make it look like an accident.'" Derek frowned, "But... That's practically the first thing I said to you."

Stiles smirked, pulling the other boy down by his collar, "Exactly", he whispered, before going in for a kiss. Derek's breath stocked in his throat, but once he got over the initial shock he got with the program pretty quickly. He pushed Stiles up against the door and deepened the kiss, forcing a soft moan out of the other boy. Stiles carted his fingers through Derek's hair, pulling it slightly. They moved to the bed, shrugging of their jackets in the process. Stiles was on top of Derek, holding him down with a delighted smirk on his face. "You can't believe how long I've been waiting for this."

Derek flipped them over, "Yeah, well, join the club." They got into another heated kiss while Stiles was pulling Derek's shirt. And then Scott came in. "Hey Sti- Whaaaaat the hell!", he said, immediately covering his eyes. "Scott! Dude! What on earth are you doing here?", Stiles yelped. "I-uh, I live here." "Right... You stay at Alli's place so often that I forget that sometimes." "Yeah well, going right back there, call me when you guys are done."

He backed out of the door, but popped his head back in before closing it, "Oh and Stiles?" "WHAT!?" "Congratulations, bro." Stiles groaned as he buried his head in Derek's chest, "Sorry about that." Derek was nearly dying of laughter, "That wasn't how I imagined this would go." Stiles looked up with a pout, "I ruined it, didn't I?" Derek hugged him close and bumped their noses, "You could never." 


Chapter 12, obviously... Yeah!

Here's the next part to the 30-day song challenge:

DAY 25: A song you like by an artist no longer living - "Love Me Like There's No  Tomorrow" by Freddie Mercury

DAY 26: A song that makes you want to fall in love - "True Love" by P!nk ft. Lily Allen

DAY 27: A song that breaks your heart - "Hurt" by Johnny Cash

DAY 28: A song by an artist whose voice you love - "Show Must Go On" by Queen

DAY 29: A song you remember from your childhood - "Poison" by Alice Cooper

DAY 30: A song that reminds you of yourself - "Somewhere Over The Rainbow " by Israel 'IZ' Kamakawiwo'ole


Love you guys,

XXX- HY_13

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