M.S.S.L 2

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Sleeping was impossible, this bed is now my enemy. It felt like I was just sleeping on pure metal not that I expected the bedding to be like a five star hotel.

But come on, it was noting more then a worn down cushion covered in a sheet.

I didn't want to awake up, I didn't wanna find out what today has in store for me.

As sore as my back was I just wanted to stay in bed. As soon as I closed my eyes to drift off to sleep the cell door slid open as a man shrieked through the loudspeaker "Breakfast in 5 minutes!"

I groaned in frustration as I buried my head in my pillow. "Keep a low profile and stay out of trouble," Michael stated "Sure thing, that sounds easy." I muffled into my pillow keeping a low profile is as simple as it sounds, right?

I think not.

if I weren't the opposite gender in an all male prison I would easily blend In.

I got off the mattress and went to the sink to brush my teeth without batting an eye in Michael's direction.

"Well, well, well what do we have here?" The same southern voice from last night. I didn't turn around to look at who was talking in fact I could care else.

"What do you want t-bag?" Michael demanded, the bed creaked indicating that he wass no longer sitting down.

Spiting out the toothpaste I resting my hand on the end of the sink causing it to shift on it's hinges creating a little gap inbetween the sink and the wall.

That's odd... The position of the sink in which it was sitting seemed like if I tugged hard enough it would come off.

I brushed it off and turn around to face a tall skinny guy which I was guessing his nickname was T-bag, there was another person that's was holding the inside of his pocket.

What the fuck is that all about?
T-bag looked past Michael and at me before I could control expression my face scrunched up in disgust.

"Aren't you a pretty little thing!" He said as he twisted his tongue inside his mouth.

I shudder under his gaze but reminded still. "It's too early for this so how about you go back to your cell with your little pocket buddy or what ever you call your side chicks" I stated as I crossed my arms.

"She a feisty one!" T-bag said as he slapped the guy's hand away from his pocket and stepped closer into the cell.

Michael stepped forward to prevent him from coming any further into the cell.

I wonder what landed such an innocent face like Michaels into a place where he stands along side people like T-bag.

Taking one look at t-bag what he was in here for what written all over his face.

T-bag notices Michael's actions and took a step back but he didn't step down I knew that T-bag was going to keep bothering me it's expected.

T-bag was going to speak but he was cut off the shouting of a one of the guards "Cafeteria now!"

T-bag stared at Michael with contempt is eyes locking onto mines once more before stepping out of the cell as I waved at him goodbye.

T-bag tugged on his pocket and the guy cowardly took it and walk off.

Michael turned bring his gaze to mines seeming like he wanted to say something but couldn't find the right words.

Our silence was cut off by one of the guards "Let's go!"

M.S.S.L ᵖʳⁱˢᵒⁿ ᵇʳᵉᵃᵏWhere stories live. Discover now