Chapter 1

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October 30th, 1981

"Now, you promise to stay safe?" Lilly questioned fastening the clasp on Remus' cloak.

"I solemnly swear it," Remus replied, laying his wand over his heart.

James who was holding Harry and Peter who was standing beside him both chuckled. But Lily frowned.

"Rem, this is not the time for jokes. You're going on a dangerous five-day mission. I need your word that you're going to stay safe."

Remus became serious. "Lily, I promise to fight until my very last breath if I have to."

Lily smiled satisfied with his answer and handed Remus the rucksack that she had repacked for him.

James stepped forward and gave Remus a ferocious hug despite the baby in his arm. "See you before the next full moon."

"I look forward to it," Remus whispered back squeezing James tightly.

Peter stepped up and embraced Remus. No words were exchanged, Peter was never too good with saying his goodbyes.

"Sirius needs to hurry up," Lily muttered peering out the window.

Then as if he were waiting for his name to be said Sirius appeared behind a large bush in the Potter's front garden.

He rushed inside, relief melting over his features when he saw Remus. "I thought I'd missed you."

"Not without a goodbye," Remus responded pulling Sirus into a tight hug.

Sirius squeezed his friend tightly. "Don't die out there, Moony."

Remus laughed to hide his fear. "Don't worry Padfoot. It will take a raging battle to kill me."

Then with no further words or embraces, Remus walked from the house and disapparated away.

Sirius' face became grim as he turned to look at the others.

"Dumbledore stopped me on my way out. That's why I was late. There's news."

"Bad?" Lily asked grimacing.

"Sirius's features broke. "The worst. It's the list, you're on it."

Lily let out a strangled gasp and Peter gave a terrified squeak. He dropped the water glass he was holding and it shattered on the wooden floors.

James turned to Lily clearly panicked. "It'll be you they're after, you and Harry can into hiding. I should be able to throw-"

"It's not Lily." Sirius interrupted.

"No!" Lily cried her voice wobbling. "It's can't be James!"

"It's not Prongs either!" Sirius shouted. He was on the verge of tears.

"Then who is?" James demanded.

Sirius looked down at Harry. Oblivious, innocent, baby Harry. "Him."

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