I heard a knock on the door. "Come in."

My Beta walked in with a grim expression. "Alpha, the werewolf council has called for a meeting. They said we are to report to our capital immediately."

"Alright. Is that all you have to report to me??" I said as I pinched the bridge of my nose, feeling a headache surfacing.

"No Alpha. I also wanted to say that all of the dead have been found. All, except one." I looked at him to see the depressing expression on his face.

Jayden might have been an omega and I've always expressed my dislike of him, especially concerning the fact that he is Maddison's mate but he saved my daughter and that is something that I will not forget easily.

"Jonathan." He looked at me as I gestured for him to sit at the vacant chair in front of my desk.

"I know it's hard. Loosing a son. I may not know how it feels but I just want you to know that the pack and I are here for you and your family." I took out two glasses and a bottle of whiskey.

Pouring myself and my beta a glass, he let out a long sigh as he put the now empty glass on my desk.

"It's not just that Tim. He died, thinking that I hated him. He died, thinking that I didn't want him as a son. I'm a worthless father. I let something as a status change me on how to look at my son. He was alone for ten years. He had nobody. And now... He's dead." I stayed silent as I listened to him and I couldn't help but feel guilty. I was an Alpha. I was suppose to take care of my pack no matter what.

"I didn't even get to appologize to him."

Unknown POV


All I felt was my body aching all over. My head felt like it was split open and there was a throbbing pain on my neck.

"I don't get it Alpha. Why did we bring him with us??" I heard a voice say. I tried opening my eyes but it was like I wasn't in control. I tried to move my hand but still it proved difficult.

"I'm not exactly sure but, there's a reason why the Goddess told me to go to that place. I don't know but, my wolf felt like we had to protect him."

What the hell are they talking about??

I tried to move my hand again and I managed to move my thumb.

"Wait. Alpha I think I just saw him move." Hell yeah I did!!

I tried to move it again and was happy that I managed it again. "There!! Did you see??"

"Yeah I did. Can you hear my voice?? Move your thumb if you did." I moved it again.

"Good you can. Now, listen to me. Do you remember what happened?? Move if yes and don't if no."

Now that I think about it, what the hell happened?? Where the fuck was I?? And... Wait... W-who... W-who was I??

"I'm guessing you don't then. But man, your one lucky bastard to have survived. And we were lucky to have escaped to cause that place was crawling with leeches. Good thing that waterfall was an exception."

Waterfall?? What the..

As if a switch clicked. All the memories came rushing back to me. My head felt like it was going to explode.

"Something's wrong." I heard someone say.

The falls... The vampires... And the..

The girl. Who was she??

"Call Lina right now!!" I heard the rushing of footsteps and the loud closing of the door.

"You have to calm down."

The girl... Who was she??

'No Jay I.. I can't leave you here!!'

Jay?? Who the hell is Jay??

'Get out of here now!!'

A scene played in my mind. I was kneeling down on the ground. Someone was holding me by my head.

The girl... Was riding a huge brown wolf.

'No!!' Her voice rang in my head.

Her voice. It seemed so familiar. The person's hold on me tightened and I wanted to thrash him off of me but I couldn't control myself.

The scene blurred and a new one appeared. The girl. She was with me.

We were in a beautiful waterfall. She walked pass me and I grabbed her crashing my lips with hers. I felt the sparks and warmth spread through me.

Her gray eyes pierced through me and I was captivated.


That's her name.

She's... She's my mate!!!

Again the scene blurred.

I was now outside a big house. The packhouse.

It was dark and there was a guy in front of me.

'Just accept it omega. She'd never want you. She'd never love you. Cause she already has me.'

I punched him. Why?? What the hell was he talking about??

I felt another pain in my head. And the rest of my memories came back.

The rejection

My first kiss with Maddison by the falls.

The pack bullying me and beating me up.

My mom. My brother.

My good for nothing father.

Maddison accepting me, only to be a big joke. Cause she.. she..

Had sex with Jason.

No. She was no longer my mate. Not after what she did to me.


All I felt was anger. She made a fool out of me. The pack. That worthless pack. All those years of cowering. All those years of torment.

My anger rised as I felt a new found strength increasing within me. I felt Ros surface as I willed my eyes to open. With a gasp, I was back to reality.

I coughed, feeling my throat so dry but I didn't care.

Cause I remember.

I remember what they did to me. I remember what SHE did to me.

My eyes darkened as pure rage enveloped me. And with that I knew that I've changed. I was alive, but se part of me was still dead. And I was different now...

And I don't know if it is for the better...

Or for the worst.


Hey guys!!! So sorry for not updating for a while. Just been really busy lately but I didn't want to keep you all waiting so here's update you've been waiting for😁

Hope your all not disappointed and I hope you all like this chapter as well. Next update will be coming sooner than you think but before that guys please...


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