"Haha... really a teetotal?"

"No... I am just not a great handler of alcohol"

"I did saw that night" I joke him "he's my cousin"


"Imm.... my mom's younger brother's son"

"He looks so different from you.... in every ways"

"Are you telling me I'm handsome?"

"Noo... what I meant is..."

"I know I know.. I'm the most handsome one for you"

"No.. park chanyeol ssi"

"Yes Byun baekhyun ssi"

"Stop joking around"

"Haha... baekhyun ya... just... stay away from him as much as you can. I don't know when he will just barge into the company, I don't know when he will look for you... just ... stay away and don't get touch or anything... if anything happen to you...I'll never forgive him and myself ."

"I'm not weak. Stop saying like I'm"

"You are. You are for him. He will force you. He's dangerous...."

"Okay... don't worry... you will be there for me right?"



Just.. how many times will you make me fall for you Byun baekhyun?

"You want me to protect you?"

"Eh... Not like that... I mean... you can try to control your cousin or... I mean like that..."

"I want to protect you... let me... will you?"I say as I get closer to him...

And kiss him...

Even thought we both drank bitter alcohols

The kiss is still the sweetest thing...

"Stay with me tonight, will you?"

"Stop asking" he says as he blushes...

"I love you" I say

I really, very, crazily, love you... Byun baekhyun

————————————————————Baekhyun's POV

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Baekhyun's POV

I ended up sleeping with him.... I mean.. sleeping with him... just hugging...

"Ya park chanyeol ssi, wake up! You have tons of things to do" I am waking up who is not letting me get up

"5 more minutes" he says

"I'm your employee and I must arrive before you... let me goooo"

"No.. let's go together today, hmm??"

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