01; sunrises

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sighing out of defeat, zoe rolls out of her twin sized bed and onto the floor. she couldn't sleep. the numbers on her alarm clock were identified as 3:48, followed by a.m.

zoe has been in bed since 9 o'clock p.m. exactly. she was used to this though, sleep was a rare thing for zoe. the max amount that she'd get was 30 minutes, around noon each day.

these "habits" aren't healthy, not at all. it doesn't effect zoe much. she just rolls out of bed and makes a cup of hot chocolate when this happens.

it's not like her parents care either. they never even notice zoe. she could commit murder and they would still go on with their daily lives, not caring that their daughter sinned.

her small feet shuffle around on the hardwood floor as thoughts flood her never empty head. zoe pours the boiling water from the teapot and into her mug and mixes the cocoa mix with it.

the burning sensation of hot chocolate doesn't even faze her as the mug touches zoe's mouth.

and zoe watches as the sun rises.

in her opinion, sunrises are much more beautiful than sunsets. sunrise; the start of a new day. sunset; watching a beautiful day end and darkness take over. that's why she sits in a small barstool by a window each morning. that and the fact that she can't sleep.

when the mug empties, zoe just tosses it into the sink and slumps into her gloomy bedroom.

these problems have been occurring since zoe was just 11 years old. she used to write to pass time, but then she got the hot chocolate habit and the writing went away.

the thought has crossed her mind once or twice in the seven years since she has, but she shakes it away. except this time.

this time, zoe picks up a black pen and her notebook.



i like this story. i like it a lot.

it won't be like my others.. chapters will be shorter

enjoy :)

Dedicated to sweaterloupaws bc they inspired me to write this and go out of the box like they do with their stories

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