Twenty-Two | Trial Ends

Start from the beginning


Alex and Allie walked out of the church, side by side. Both feeling off. The intensity of the situation was suffocating. Knowing what they had to do. Sylver and will walked slightly behind them. Ale and Sylver holding hands. Knowing that as long as she could feel him, she felt safe. Behind them was Clark and Grizz. Clark holding a smirk, as he always did. Grizz looking like the rest of the group did. Straight faces. Well, a mix between a straight face and a frown. Campbell approached them. Allie turning, "Don't make a scene," Alex gave him a small, forced smile. It barley reached her eyes.

"Thought it'd be better id I gave you some space this morning. What did you decide?" This made Alex's smile fall. The slight happiness from her face washing away.

"We're executing him tomorrow," Allie explained with a straight face. How? Alexandrea couldn't tell. Maybe it was just being around Campbell. She felt like she had to appear stronger. I mean, being face to face with someone you knew was a psychopath was hard. trying to distinguish if they were showing real emotions or not. Alex still clung to the hope that maybe he wasn't lying. That he was truly capable of felling. Campbell looked up like he was in actual shock. Like he was waiting for someone to tell him it was a joke. He looked at Alexandrea, giving him the proof he needed that it was the truth. The ability to read her came easy to him. He used to read books that would say empaths are drawn to psychopaths. But in reality psychopaths are drawn to empaths. Because she had been pulling away from him. And he wanted her closer. To tear her away from her thing with Sylver.

"Solomon. you split the baby," He said, then walked past them. Leaving them to think.


"How are you feeling?" Grizz asked, handing Alexandrea the lavender and Lemon Tea. She happily took it, letting it rest in her hands. She looked down at it, not knowing what to answer. She and Allie had sentenced someone to death, and then threatened the entire town. She didn't know how to feel about it.

"As good as you can be after what happened," She replied. He sat beside her, hot chocolate in his hands. He nodded, letting out a sigh. The two sat in silence for a moment. They could hear the rushing of water upstairs, where Sylver was. "How did we get into this mess, Grizzy. I mean, only a few weeks ago, we were preparing our yearly camping trip. I mean, we had the date set and everything. This weekend would have been it. How did we go from that to this?"

"Because, the universe thought we needed a few more challenges,"

"The universe can suck a dick," Alex joked, Grizz chuckling beside her. It had been a while since the two could sit down and enjoy each other's company.

"I've missed this. Just you and me, and Sylver too I guess," Both of them laughed at that. Knowing the boy was just up the stairs. The smell of chocolate, lavender, and lemon swirled in the air. A familiar smell to the two. One that mingled in the air whenever they spent time with each other. Alex rested her head on Grizz's shoulder, him then resting his head on top of her's. They calmed down, but the wide smiled stayed painted onto their face. Paint of gold illuminating the darkness surrounding them.

"I wonder if I would have met Sylver. If this hadn't gone down," Alex explained, "He's one of the best things that has happened in my life - including you of course - and I don't know what I would have done without the two of you,"

"You would have tore Dewey's face off before Allie even sentenced him," Grizz replied, shaking his head. Both of them had laughed at peoples surprise to her. Most had only seen her as a sweetheart with a traumatic past. But both had been taught by Merina, her sister, to be fearless in the face of others. One reason the two got along so well. They weren't the type to be pushed over easily.

"To be honest, I may have threatened him last night," She muttered quietly, her face screwing up. She still felt bad. Then again, he did kill someone. But it seemed like that was the only excuse she had.

"That's my best-friend!" Grizz cheered. Alex hit his chest, trying not to laugh. Grizz was proud of her. He hated it when people pushed her around. Tried to get under her skin. No matter how much she showed them that she was no one to mess with, they pushed further. A boy had to move and had a permanent scar across his face because he bullied her relentlessly. And people still thought they could abuse the good she had in her.

"I love you Grizzy,"
"I love you too Cat,"

Eight parts left until the story ends, for now. If you've enjoyed reading this part please give it a vote... also if you like Riverdale, I currently have an ongoing fan fiction on that!

See you all next week

Paige xx

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