Start from the beginning

Bokuto slowly shifted his head to look at Kuroo with big, blank eyes, which made the latter flinch a little. "This is so unfair!" Bokuto exclaimed, earning questioning stares from both of the teams present in the hallway, even the pretty manager, making Bokuto flush an unnoticeable shade of pink. "How come your manager gets to be like that?" When he saw Kuroo lift an eyebrow, he quickly continued, waving his hand in front of him. "Not that there's anything wrong with our managers but from your manager's appearance alone, she seems like a sweet person!"

Now this made Kuroo have a double-take. He glanced at Yukimi from the corners of his eyes while the girl gave him a worried mien. Wanting to ease the furrow on her brows, Kuroo flashed her a smile and a quick wink before turning back to his friend. "Yes, she is a sweet person, and more than that," he told the gray-haired captain with an underlying tone of fulfillment. "Actually, I really want you to meet her." As if remembering something, Kuroo perked up. "Oh, and remember the person that I talked to you about since second year? The one that I really, really like?" Seeing Bokuto nod, the dark-haired lad leaned a little to drop his voice. "That's her."

Bokuto gasped loudly before pointing at the direction of Yukimi. "That's your cruーmmph?!" he never finished his sentence since Kuroo immediately placed his hand on the other captain's mouth (harshly).

Panicking, Kuroo leaned a little more with narrowed eyes, his voice lower than earlier. "You airhead!" he whispered, earning a muffled response from the owlish boy. "She doesn't even know yet!" A high muffle came from behind his palm, making him roll his eyes. "You know how much I treasure you, bro, but no unexpected announcements of my feelings when she's around. Now, are you calm?" Once again, Bokuto nodded fervently ー a sign that Kuroo took positively as he retracted his hand from Bokuto's face. "Wipe that hopeful look on your face, I'm not allowing you to help me with my love-life. No offense but I don't see any progress in yours."

Bokuto scoffed, crossing his arms against his chest while jutting out his chin. "My love-life is progressing quite okay, Kuroo!" he shouted.

"Uh-huh," Kuroo nodded slowly, not believing a word from his friend at the moment. "I can clearly remember you failing to ignite on that one potential spark leading to your nonexistent love-life."

It was no secret that his owlish friend never had the thing called love-life during the course of his middle school and high school years. Apparently, all of the other captain's time was dedicated to volleyball and being a complete nutjob (just like him but Yukimi will always be an exception). However, there was a time in year two where Bokuto complained that he tried confessing to someone just for the sake of knowing what it feels like to confess to somebody. Let's just say that Bokuto earned a scolding from his teammates for playing with the girl's feelings since she ended up having a crush on him in the first place. This is all coming from the boy who pressed their school's fire alarm because of his curiosity of how firm one should press it. So who could blame him?

Bokuto recoiled at the bluntness of Kuroo's attack. "Ack!" he exclaimed, clutching his chest while stepping back from Kuroo, who only pursed his lips with a blank face before sighing.

Meanwhile, while the whole ordeal between the two captains played out, Yukimi got herself acquainted with the members of the Fukurodani team. She also discovered that they have two managers who are busy buying some snacks and filling up the water bottles before the games officially start since one of them appeared to be an avid eater, a feat that she greatly appreciated. As what she perceived from the team, it was plainly obvious that the two managers have a good job in keeping them in line because judging from their predicament of a captain, it seems like it spurred from the girls' absence.

Her phone suddenly buzzed inside her pocket and Yukimi was instantly curious on who would send a message to her this early in a Sunday morning, she figured that it wouldn't be her mother since she already had her message. Opening the messaging app, Yukimi found herself grinning while gazing at her phone's screen.

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