Also, as weird as it sounded, I looked forward to calling WhiteFire13. I was curious on what she was like, especially during a conversation. Sure, we've chatted several times, but that was through text. And even more, I was really keen on testing our communication in gameplay. If all went well, we'd be truly invincible. I mean, ever since I teamed up with her, we've never lost a single match. But I could still see spaces for improvement. We could become literal gods.

"Kozume? Are you listening?"

"Huh?" I drifted out of my little daydream. "Sorry, Sensei. Could you please say that again?"

The teacher sighed, before repeating himself rather impatiently. "For the chemistry assignment, I'd like you to pair up with Eito, is that fine with you?"

No. Absolutely not. I would rather die than work with that self-obsessed, obnoxiously stupid dickhead. Wait, I'd rather die any day. Let me rephrase that... I would rather lose my entire CSF rank progress than work with Eito.

"I refuse."

A bit taken back by my outright response, the teacher declared. "Kozume, that was not a question."

"It was. You asked me if I was fine with that. I said I wasn't." I replied matter-of-factly.

I could tell that angered him. Oh, no. His face contorted with anger, while his eyes attempted to burn holes through my head. He wanted to retaliate, but couldn't find the right words. I noticed that the whole class was now watching intently. So much for keeping a low profile. I had to defuse the situation. Quick.

"I'm sorry, Sensei." I added, trying my best to sound somewhat apologetic. "But surely there is someone else you can pair me up with."

His rage died down, and he contemplated the request. "Well, I can switch you with Ishida, so that will leave you with Akari."

"Thank you, Sensei, that would be great." Anyone was better than Eito.

With that out of the way, the class was instructed to move into the groups, and begin the project. I looked over at the dark haired girl in the corner. Akari Shiro. I've never really talked to her before. In fact, I don't think I've seen anyone talk to her, except for the occasional brief exchanges, and of course Eito. But annoying someone and talking to them are two very different things, so that didn't really count. I noticed she was always by herself during breaks, either on her phone, or PSP.

To be honest, Akari reminded me of myself. If it wasn't for Kuroo, I would never have joined the volleyball club. At first he pretty much forced me into it, but to my own surprise, I've grown to like it. Not really the sport itself, but mainly the people I've met because of it. As much as I'd hate to admit, I was glad to be part of the team, even if it meant I had to put up with Lev's idiocy. They made me feel accepted, like I had a place among them.

Without volleyball, I'd be like Akari, alone all the time. I guess she didn't have someone like Kuroo.

"Hey, Akari-san." I approached her.

She looked up briefly from her phone, yet her fingers never stopped tapping. Is she gaming? The intense thumb action indicated to me that she was.

"What game are you playing?" I asked, sitting down beside her, peering over her shoulder. I knew we were meant to be working on the project, but I could help my curiosity.

She seemed a little surprised, and glanced at me, before quickly answering. "Uh, it's called Dragon Hunter."

She didn't elaborate. I felt kind of awkward, like I'd intruded in her personal space or something. "Oh, okay. Cool." I mumbled, before shuffling away a bit.

"So, uh, what topic do you wanna do?" We had to get some sort of work done.

"I don't mind, up to you."

Wow, jeez, that was helpful.

Chemistry wasn't exactly my thing. It was actually the one subject that depressed me whenever I thought about it. If I was ever given the chance to drop it, I would not hesitate at all. It'd be gone in a heartbeat.

But unfortunately, that wasn't the case. At this moment, I was torn between throwing myself out the window, and finding a way to get my disinterested partner involved in making a start on this stupid project. The window was looking really heavenly right now.

"Let's do biodiesel." I concluded. "We'll do the report on the chemical structure and the relative carbon dioxide emissions." Someone had to take initiative, and unfortunately, it had to be me.

"Wouldn't ethanol fuel be easier?"

"Huh?" I looked at Akari, surprised by the sudden contribution.

"Well, researching biodiesel would be harder, as it leaves more parameters. Besides, the trend between the CO2 emissions and O2 content in ethanol would be more distinct and easier to identify."

You could've said so earlier, but okay, let me make a clown of myself first.

"Uh, sure, sounds great." I said instead. "When do you wanna start working on it?"

"Relax, we've got four solid weeks." She had a point. We were given a fair amount of time for this research project.

Given that case, I put away my books and whipped out my PSP. After all, I did have a dragon to kill.


Hey guys! Thanks for reading, hope you liked this chapter.

It was pretty rushed, because I really had to get a move on with the plot. But hopefully it's still ok. Ok as in readable; doesn't make your eyes bleed.

Anyways, next chapter will be out soon, stay tuned!

~ krypto

𝐌𝐘 𝐈𝐍-𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐁𝐎𝐘𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃 [Kozume Kenma]Where stories live. Discover now