30. Dizzy Choice 3

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"... Keep on keeping your eyes on me
Its just wrong enough to make it feel right..."

Taylor Swift's 'Ready For It?'
Jin's POV
I pulled Fae into my arms and out to a waiting taxi the moment I saw her. She didn't say anything either. She actually seemed glad to be there with me.

"Where would you like to go?" I asked her.

"Can we just... Head back to Setstone? I need to forget about Seunghyun and Heidi for a while."

"What happened?" I asked with a lot of interest. I knew Heidi was vaguely familiar, I just didn't know by how much.

"You grew up with her and wanted to date her, right?"

"Actually, no. I never wanted to date her. I liked her as a friend, but as we got older she started stringing us along and I didn't like it. So I told her that I was too busy trying to win a scholarship to think about whether or not she liked me."

"What happened?"

"She decided to go with some guy to Harvard. In her third year, he dumped her. She came back and told her dad she wanted me to be her husband and since then... The Wangs have been trying to manipulate the Kims. She has Namjoon wrapped around her little finger, but Taehyung is very evasive. She doesn't even know him that well, and he likes it that way."

She seemed content with my answer, but told me everything Seunghyun said. It seemed to check out with my side and I couldn't help wondering why her and her boss left town for what she kept insisting was 'not a date, just a work dinner.'

"He wanted us to talk because I left work early on Friday."

"He didn't hit on you, did he?"


"Of course he did! Is that his cologne I smelt on you?" I asked. I wanted to be upset, but truth was that Seunghyun was really resorting to tiny tricks. I already had a way to sort it all out.

"I smell of cologne?"

I pulled her into my personal space and rested my head on hers. She sighed contently and I kissed her ear, making her giggle. I couldn't do more. This was clearly a public space.

We made it in time to catch the train departing for Setstone at half past eight. The trip was going to be short, especially because it was the woman I loved right next to me.

I know a lot of people might say that this declaration came too soon, but I wasn't lying. Or smitten. I genuinely came to love the kind of person she was. We were good together. She came with me as soon as I called, and she was loyal to me the most.

Who wouldn't want a woman like that in their lives?

"Thinking again, huh?"

I smiled down at her. "I can't help it."

She laughed at me and I joined in. "Why are you thinking so hard? Is it something about Heidi and Seunghyun?"

"How can it not be?" I replied. "And why would you go along with Seunghyun?"

"Like you said before, Seunghyun is a trustworthy man. He won't do what other guys will."

"But that doesn't mean you just follow him wherever."


"Because he isn't your boyfriend. I am."

She squinted her eyes. "We are dating?"

I slapped my forehead. "Didn't you know?"

"No. Why didn't you tell me? I like the official transition thing."

"Aaah," I said and pulled her into my side some more. She cuddled into me and smiled as I rubbed her arm to keep her warm. She dozed off soon after, and the train trundled on to our city.

Yoongi had the car ready outside the station. I helped my girlfriend into the car and buckled her in. Then I drove to my house.

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