16. Misunderstood

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"... Broke your heart I will put it back together,
I will wait for ever and ever..."


Taylor Swift's 'How You Get The Girl'

Jin's POV
"She is gorgeous," that was the first thing Namjoon said when he switched to Korean. "I can see why you were in a hurry to leave today."

She was obviously trying to understand, waiting for a break in the conversation when she could talk to me. I saw how she looked at her hand then mine when I let go. I felt guilty doing it, but Heidi was the daughter of a very important person in our Korean community. Namjoon had not even been a gentleman to her, so I had to show him how to act like one.

Unfortunately, Namjoon's plans were not to have dinner with Heidi, but to stare at my beautiful date, who seemed to be trying to hold in her anger with all her strength. I actually wanted Namjoon to go with Heidi but he refused, and she sat there staring at me, then Fae.

Fae was mine, but with how Namjoon and Heidi were looking at her, it was pretty obvious what they had in mind. Heidi was obviously asking herself why I was on a date with a girl who wasn't her, and Namjoon was wondering if he could get Fae's number.

"You can't."

"Cmon!" Namjoon said. "I already brought you someone you can be with. Let me have the pretty little miss, okay?"

"Sorry Namjoon, but Fae is off limits to other guys."

Namjoon stole a look at her and grinned. "Does she know? That she is off limits?"

"You can't come here and screw up my date. You know I don't even date. This is the one woman I like and you randomly burst out of nowhere-"

"So you don't like me?" Heidi asked.

I sighed. "Heidi, I do not like you."

"Do you even value your market stock prices?" She returned.

"Namjoon, take her and leave!"

"No!" Namjoon said. "But I am going to take your friend and leave." He started to reach for her but I shoved his hand away.

This entire time, Fae didn't seem to realize that we were arguing. She just looked pretty much out of it, especially when Heidi tried to wrap her hands around me. I pushed her hands away politely, while still arguing with Namjoon.

I saw Heidi stick out her leg, and a waiter tripped over it, spilling the soup he had been carrying on Fae. The sad look changed into one of anger, and then she was up and on her way. I followed after her, calling, but she refused to stop.

I hurriedly left some notes at the cashier and ran to pick up my car. I needed to make sure she would be okay. I followed the taxi she took to her house, and sighed in relief as I waited outside on the street for the light on her window to come on.

I didn't know whether it was ideal to wait, or to head over and apologize. While deciding, I ordered a large box of pizza and waited for it to get to her street. I took it from the delivery man and made my way to her floor.

I already knew her house number. So I rang the bell and waited for her to open the door.

"Who is it?"

"Pizza delivery," I called in a light tone, very different from what I usually used. She pulled her door open, and there I was, staring right back at her.

"I should have known it."

"I am sorry. My brother sprang a surprise on me."

"Is she your girlfriend?"

I shook my head. "She is someone he was trying to introduce to me, but I was never interested. Namjoon likes girls who are a little... Snobbish."

"And how do you like yours?"

This was a question that would either keep me in the friend zone, or make me her boyfriend.

"I like my girl like you."

It was a direct hit. She blushed, and I found myself coughing. She ushered me in and handed me some water. Her house was smaller than mine, but it clearly had more personality. The little blanket on the sofa looked warm and inviting.


"I only let you in because of the pizza." She defended herself cutely. I had to smile at that. I could get used to this. "So don't try anything."

"I didn't say I was going to try something."

She pressed 'play' on what she had been watching on television, and I smiled on seeing it was a movie, 'Teen Spirit.' It was a chic flick, and I really just wanted to spend time with her.

It didn't matter if it was over a girlish movie.

"Are you okay with this?"

"Yup," I nodded. She eyed me hesitantly and I smiled at that. "I really was hungry and I had plans to eat with you, so let's do that. Should we order something else?"

She nodded.

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