Bryan x River (angst) part 2

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Hi :3


You might be uncomfortable during this chapter, because if you think i will give you a good ending without more drama..

You are so wrong, my child.

There will be:



No one's POV.

Few weeks has passed, since the beloved son of Aphrodite has passed away.
Even after so long, River has not left Bryan's side.. He decided to stay at the male's mansion to take care of it.

When River was not inside of the massive building or taking care of the colorful garden, he spends time by sitting next to Bryan's coffin. They decided not to bury him, since River would not let them.
Our sweet dragon prince let Bryan be put into a glass, half open coffin, surrounded by all kinds of beautiful flowers..

It's not like River wouldn't want his lover to be in peace, the son of Aphrodite hated small he would not dare to put him into one.
Even after so long, the young male's feelings towards the other sweet male did not change one bit.
Only grew stronger, which could end up killing him..

River has used a certain kind of spell on the bean, to make everything look like nothing actually happend.. He looked like he is asleep. At least that brings River some comfort..lying to himself that his love is just asleep, and will wake up soon.

In case you wouldn't know, the coffin was placed at the certain gazebo where Bryan used to either train or relax. It seemed like the best place to rest him at..

Thankfully, our prince has started to eat again since he had no energy to take care of everything. He did not let anyone help him. Not even Bryan's sisters.
You see, after Bryan's death.. River did not eat or sleep correctly. He spend all this time by his lovers side.
After a week or so, he realized that the plants in the garden are starting to wither. He knew that his love, loved and cared for his garden very much.. So he started taking care of it.. Now it looks way better and almost as good as it used to when Bryan was here.
The garden might be beautiful, and so is the whole property, really.. But there is still this painful, sad aura all over the place.

In case you were wondering.. At first, Kay wanted to banish the three certain campers from the camp, but River asked her not to, since Bryan would not agree to it.
After some convincing, she eventually gave in and let them stay, but of course, they were still in deep trouble for what happened.
The atmosphere everywhere all around the camp was gloomy as well, some of the campers were not as affected since they didn't know Bryan. But seeing everyone so sad (especially the older campers from last year) made them feel sad as well.

Kay's POV.

A shaky escapes my lips as I walk back to my office. I have been stressed lately, not only because I became a cancelour of two pantheons, but I also lost my friend.. Sure, he may have done bad things in past, but I forgave him..and he did not deserve this and so did River. When he told me that Bryan confessed moments before passing away, made me feel even worse.

They could have been happy together if.. ... That didn't happen. We all miss Bryan very much.
Even though it did have a quite great affect on us, my best friend took it the most.
I did not talk to him since few days ago, every since I have been thinking of a possible way how to keep everyone sane.

..not an easy task, if you ask me.

Soon I finally arrive to my cabin and sit down on my bed. Relaxation..that's something we all need right now.
I close my eyes and sigh escapes my lips.

No one's POV.

Kay shifts on her bed to lay down, but something suddenly shuffles under her. This causes her to sit up almost immediately and looks at the object she almost layed on.
The certain snake lady picks it up and sees that it's a piece of paper.

" wasn't here when I sat down." She mumbles under her breath, clearly confused.
As the side she was looking at was empty, Kay turned it around and noticed that it was some kind of note.. But she did not recognize the font no matter how she tried to somehow read it.

It got her kinda worried and curious, Kay got up again, feeling kinda annoyed and decided to visit her ex-crush Xylo. She didn't really know anyone else who could help her with it.

~*+ten minutes later+*~

It took some time, but she managed to find him by the Egyptian pantheon, chatting with Riccaro. Kay rushes to him. "..hey..Xylo?" He recognizes her voice and turns around to face her. "Oh, hey there Kay. Something wrong?" The son of Hades asks the snake lady as she takes out the note and shows it to him. "I found this on my bed.. I can't understand a thing it it says, but.. ..I thought that maybe you could help me?.." Xylo hums as he takes the note to read it.

In few seconds his expression changes from curious, to concerned and mad.

This got Kay worried.

"...Xylo?.." When he got out of his trance, he looked up at her with worried look. "Kayla I-" Xylo got interrupted by someone running over to them, desperately searching for their best friend.

~*+some time before+*~

River was taking care of the blooming flowers as usual.. Tho something felt wrong again. He got this feeling when the accident with his lover happened.. The dragon prince got very worried.
The watering can tell to the ground, as the male has dropped it. He immediately runs over to the gazebo where Bryan  was resting at.

The prince's heart stopped the second he saw an empty coffin, with the flowers that were inside all over the ground, damaged. River ran over to the empty coffin, only to find a note inside.. He couldn't read it because of the unknown font.

The blue haired male took the note and ran as fast as he could to find Kay.
Tears were streaming down his face, feeling furious.
Even if it seemed like hours, it only took ten minutes to get to the camp to find his best friend.
River found her at the Egyptian pantheon, talking to Xylo.

"Kay!!" He yells as he runs to them, panting heavily.

She turns around to see her best friend almost out of breath with a terrified expression on his face.
"River..?" Kay walks over to him and he looks up at her. ".. ..I-I. ...'s...Bryan.." The dragon prince said between his breaths, having troubles speaking between his sobs.  "..what..happened?.." Kay asks, now very worried.

"..h-he.. .-" before he could finish his sentence, Xylo says. "Certain someone ..took him. And is not willing to give him back." He says as he crumbles the note he had in his hand.

The two camp cancelours looked at him in shock.

"And I know who that might be." The son of Hades growls under his breath.



Hey eveyone~ :p cliffhanger ~

Part 3?

Who do you think took Bryan? Who could be so cruel to do such a thing?

I am curious about what you think~

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