The pregnancy tests

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"So you're telling me that you and my cousin were sleeping in the same room?" Cole breathed, hand pressed into a tight fist, an odd sensation of disappointment boiling through his veins. Looking harshly at Harrison, Cole shoved past the cowering boy and marched towards his sleeping cousin, who currently lay sprawled across his couch. Soft snores erupted from her sleeping form, one arm draped over her eyes in a pathetic attempt to block out the midday sun, casting his warmth and light directly onto the girl.

"ALEX!" Cole screeched, a low rumble echoing through the newly bought mansion. Alex jolted up at the sudden uproar, her hair darting in different directions. Her fingers clasped the knitted blanket beside her, the blue and green string parting for her fingers to grip. Lazily smacking her lips together Alex tilted her head towards Cole, her eyes boring through him. Cole faltered, his previous frustration ebbed away as a new wave of fear washed over him. Opening and closing his mouth, Cole finally managed to mumbled a small "You slept in the same room as Tom?".

"What's that got to do with you, huh?" Alex inquired, her body language radiating authority as she straightened her back to reach eye level. Nervously Harrison's delicate blue eyes darting between the two, tension thick in the air once Cole mustered up his lost courage. All noise ebbed away, even the birds cowered at the growing argument. Neither spoke but rather looked each other dead in the eye as if hoping that someone would crack.

"I'm calling Dylan." Cole grumbled, shuffling towards the empty wooden kitchen, the tiles cold on his feet. Alex shot up, her eyes growing twice the size, her hands gripping the back of the couch as her knees dented the pillows. "Hey, I've got gossip. Yes, it's about him and Alex... They slept in the same-" Cole lifted the device away from his ear inspecting it. "Hello?" Speaking rather loudly into the speaker Cole shrugged, shoving the metal piece into his Jean pocket. "I guess he's on his way."


"I've got seven boxes of pregnancy tests, so if one doesn't work we have backups." Dylan burst through front door, two Spider-Man themed bags clasped in one hand while the other held his phone. Alex groaned, her arms lying limply at her sides. "Cheer up moody. Here," Dylan threw her a bright pink box. "This one looks the prettiest." Grinning like a child he took a seat in front of the girl, the cold floor cooling his legs from the hot days sun. "Be gone thot, go try the tests before I call mom." Dylan threatened, his legs bopping up and down in excitement of the events unfolding. Alex groaned as she trudged up the glass stairs.

"Should we invite the Drama Squada?" Cole asked eagerly, his phone already open and ready. "Is that even a question."


"Haz be a doll and go hand Alex another pregnancy test box, the prettiest one there is." Dylan slurred, a coconut cup clasped in his hand. "Now, where were we?" Turning his attention back to the four boys before him, their legs stretched across white pool beds.

"I believe you were recalling the time where Tom got electrocuted." Anthony recalled, lifting his sunglasses just above his eyebrows.

"The dingdong put a fork in the toaster..."

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