The elevator

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Her index finger repeatedly hit the button for one of the many elevators, hoping that by pressing it every two second it'll help to make He elevator to come down faster. A loud wail sounded from the elevator shaft next to the one which she currently stood in front. She clutched her phone anxiously as the wails increased and evil laughter echoed down the shaft. Two men stood beside her, neither one worried in the slightest, instead they found this whole scene rather amusing. The two desperately tried to suppress their laughter so that the awfully intimidating girl in front of them won't murder them.

The elevator doors finally opened with a very unnecessary ding. The girl practically yanked the two men inside the small elevator, her finger repeatedly pressing floor 23. As the creaky elevator made its way up the slightly run down hotel, the screams and laughter became increasingly louder, making it all the more difficult for the two men to keep a straight face. It didn't help them that the elevator has glass all around. Just as the men, who's faces by now are bright red with veins popping out of their forehead, where about to break the elevator jolted down.

The lights flickered on then off and then on again. "Are you guys all-" Alex stopped mid sentence as she saw Paul sat in the corner of the elevator with his knees firmly pressed against his chest. Incoherent mumbles escaped his terrified mouth, rocking back and forth as if that would help. "Wow Salty man is actually a pussy." Chris Evans commented with his arms crossed over his chest. "Shut up bicep man." Paul Rudd retaliated, a hint of sass. "Okay we're obviously gonna die in here so let's set some ground rules so that the best may survive until the end." Alex said, taking charge since she knew that she's the only rational one in the elevator.

"Let's eat Paul first." Alex said after a moment of thought. "He's got the most meat." Paul immediately put hit hand on his heart at the insult. "Just cause I have the best ass in here doesn't mean that y'all have to be so salty." Paul sassed. "Nah uh, I have the best ass." Chris challenged, taking a few steps to reach where Paul currently sat. "Oh yeah fight me bitch." Paul stood up, his head only reaching Chris' chin. "Um guys." Alex called, after realising that the elevator is moving again and the screams from the next shaft ceased. "What!" They boy shouted in unison only to catch on once the doors opened.

Paul's eyes immediately landed on the one person who he's been looking for this whole morning. "JEREMY!" Paul shouted as he ran into the mans arms, pushing everyone over in the process. "PAUL! I thought you were dead." A few tears escaped the mans eyes as they embraced. "I knew you'd save me." Paul clung to the man as if his life depended on it.

"Tom Holland's an asshole."

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