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Look for the good in life. I know it might be really hard but try to surround yourself with people you love and who love you (: -olivia
Friday, March 13, 6:39pm


<                                nialler                              ...

sup biotch. you still
coming over tonight??

i totally forgot. sorry i was
taking a nap. long day

nah,  it's fine L. if you don't
want to come tonight that's ok.
you should get sleep if you need
..even tho i'll be so deeply sad.

oh shut up nialler. i'm
coming. it's a special occasion
before we finally graduate.
who's all coming?

just all of us. sophia, zayn, liam,
alex, and harry.


i really..really don't want harry to be there.


<                                nialler                              ...

yeah, okay. i'll come by
around 9, okay?

sounds good, kiddo. see you
soon weirdooo


i rolled my eyes.

<                                 nialler                             ...

oh wait, you're staying the
night, right?


i've stayed at niall's place close to seven million times before, but it was different this time; our entire friend group was going to be there and we'd all most likely be wasted.

i sent a thumbs up emoji..which is probably the only emoji i've ever used.

deciding it was probably time to get up and get ready, i sat up from my bed and yawned. The clock on my phone told me it was already 6:52...

..dang i slept for almost 4 hours..

..which gave me only two hours to get ready. i shuffled out to the hallway to the bathroom and crossed paths with my little sister, lottie, the sweetest, smartest 11-year-old out there. "hi lou," she said, smiling.

"hey dot, where's mum?"

"she's making dinner; steak, mmm"

"oh, okay. s'cuse me. gotta do some..uhm.. business"

"oh, right."

she moved out of the doorway to the bathroom as i slid past her and closed the door. i had to piss so damn bad as i didn't even go when i got home from school like i usually do. when i was done, i skipped washing my hands and decided to get in the shower instead. when i turned on the water, it was instantly warm and soothing as it hit my chest.

i got my hair wet and just stood beneath the showerhead for a bit, washing my hair with my coconut shampoo. i conditioned my hair with the same scented conditioner, but let it sit while i washed my body, bits, and crevices with rose body wash. after i rinsed the conditioner out thoroughly, leaving just enough to keep my hair soft, i got out, dried my body off and wrapped myself in a towel. when i walked out of the door, i was met with daisy, who standing there with her arms crossed and eyebrows furrowed.

"what?" i asked, offended.

"you took too long," she bit, adding an "uh" sound at the end to make sure it was obvious she was frustrated with me.

"dais, i took like 20 minutes. calm down."

"well some of us have to do our 'business' as well," she said in air quotes.

"you know you could've gone downstairs, right, dais?"

she scoffed and pushed past me, slamming the bathroom door. i walked back into my room, making sure to close it before i took my towel off my body. i thought about who was all going to the party..was it even a party really?..anyways. i just really didn't want to have to talk to harry. yeah, i like the guy..he's in our friend group so i'm kinda forced to. but he's just a party animal, and he's sometimes kind of..i don't know. rude? i stopped spacing out, thinking about something i would only have to deal with for a night.

i rummaged through my closet and decided on black skinny jeans with the cuffs rolled up a bit and a black muscle t-shirt. this outfit made my ass look good so i was happy, just in case we decided to go out so i can maybe get laid. we were all 18 and could get into places as long as we pre-gamed since we weren't allowed to drink yet. i slipped on my vans and checked the time again, 7:27pm. i packed a bag with a sweatshirt and briefs, in case my panties got uncomfortable. they're dark blue...if you wanted to know.

i bounced down the stairs with a bag over my shoulder; when i got to the bottom my mum looked at me and smiled. "hi pumpkin, where you going?" she asked me with a confused look.

"niall's, remember? i'm staying the night. we're having a friend get together and sleepover before we graduate and possibly never see each other again."

"don't say that. i'm sure you all will still be friends even when you guys have kids."

"i hope.......dinner done?"

"yes, pumpkin. you mind calling up for your sisters and then sitting down for dinner?"

she was a single mum of five kids so she was working a lot but i helped a lot. too bad i fell asleep; i would of helped tonight.

i nodded once and shouted up for my sisters to come eat.  in as little as ten seconds, they were all rushing down, almost tripping on each other. we all ate the steak with green beans on the side. lottie finished a whole steak the size of my hand and felicite barely touched hers. daisy and phoebe shared one so they finished their servings. i checked my phone again and it was 8:30pm and decided it was probably time to get going. i took everyone's plate and put them in the sink besides felicite's and i put her steak back on the plate with the other ones. i gave everyone a kiss on the cheek saying 'i love you' to each of them individually and said goodbye, grabbing my keys and walking out of the door. i shot niall a text letting him know i was on my way and started my car to drive off.

Party Animal // L.STempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang