"i know... uh, okay. "i am writing to you on behalf of my son neil perry."" he spoke as he wrote before laughing and stomping his feet on the floor. "this is great!" he exclaimed.

"oh, neil..." she sighed, disappointed in the boy honestly. his father was going to kill him. literally, no lie in that previous sentence.

the boy continued to write and then when it was done he took the paper off the type writer with a laugh. "dear god, neil." todd said shaking his head.
the next day was soon to come.

latin killed olivia that day. they had a test and she blew it... she was good with latin, she truly was but that unit they had was not her favorite and she slacked.

as she sat in mr keatings room, she stared at that 'F' in red marker on her latin test almost the whole time before the class started.

she groaned, slamming her face on the desk.

"oh cheer up, livvy, it's only one test. it doesn't define you." charlie reassured the female, looking over at the girl who lifted her head up.

"it's not that, charlie. that test is bound to take most of my grade down! i cant fail latin, my mother's gonna hit me upside the freakin' head probably. she loves me, she's not hard on me, but she's strict when it comes to my grades." olivia said, looking at the boy.

"i get that, but don't worry, meeks will help you out, just come to our study sessions more, okay?" charlie asked her and she nodded only noticing that mr keating walked in.

her eyes widened quickly, remembering she had to read out her poem. "poem. the damn poem.... oh fuck me." she whispered barely so the man talking couldn't hear her.

"gladly." charlie whispered leaning over slightly and olivia shot a glare at the boy.

"no." she said shaking her head as she quickly rummaged through the binder that sat on her desk.

"miss terriancie, how about you go first." mr keating said and her eyes widened, her mouth dropping.

"uh- i- okay." olivia nodded. thank god she recited this stupid poem she made to where it was embedded in her head. it haunted her honestly because well, to be quite frank she was stupid enough in her thoughts at 2am to where she wrote it about the one and only charlie dalton.

the female bit the inside of her mouth as she walked up, already feeling eyes on her.

"just breathe. you got this, you're one of the smartest in this class either way." mr keating said and she nodded.

"good lord this is so stupid." olivia chuckled as she glanced around. trying to avoid the eyes upon her she glanced at a blank spot on the back wall in the room.

"no poem is stupid." neil spoke up from his seat and mr keating was quick to agree.

"the stupidity in this poem is strong just like this person but still, i watch him laugh, i-i watch him tease. he jokes and i listen and laugh until my belly aches. the only other sound's are of distant waves and birds awake. but there's a friend. the friend is soft, adorable and deep, and he has secrets to keep still day after day. this original person is like a ray, with thoughts of food in his head, he eats his spaghetti with lots of bread ready for the next day..ahead." she said, slowly finishing it as she looked away from the spot on the wall and saw eyes upon her and heard most of the boys whistled noticing it had been of course a love poem.

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