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Dragons began filtering out of the caves that dotted the rocky island, like a rainbow covering the sky.

Several Scauldrons, Tide Gliders, Shockjaws and Thunderdrums flew from the ocean to the center of the island, fish in their mouths.  

" It was a good hunt this morning, " one Tide Glider rumbled, " We've caught enough to feed an army of dragons. "

" I hope so, " chortled Cortona, " The dragons on this island get pretty angry when there's not enough food. "

The Tide Glider gave her best attempt at a laugh and flew away. 

The Titan Skrill landed at the pile of fish and took a few. I took a fish and gutted it with a dagger that was concealed under my tunic's long sleeves. 

Suddenly, the panicked roar of a dragon caught our attention. 

" Ma'am, " a Sand Wraith roared, he flew to Cortina and eyed me. 

The dragon didn't quite trust humans but he saw me as more dragon than human.

" What's wrong, " I asked, noting the dragons' glance.

" There's a boat heading this way, " the Sand Wraith replied, " there is one Viking on board. The boat has a bunch of items on deck but doesn't have the weaponry that the others had. "

I didn't believe in premonitions or psychic powers but this boat and my nightmares were quite a coincidence. 

Not one to let food go to waste, I shoved as much fish in my mouth as I could before mounting Cortona, "Let's greet our guest. "

The Sand Wraith was right in calling the vessel a boat. It was small, loaded down with barrels of food, leather and things I had never seen before. There was only one Viking on board. 

" We need to scare him away. It's only a trading boat but if they see the dragons they may return with more people. "

Cortona landed on the bow of the ship, it tilted under the Titan Skrill's weight. 

The Viking screamed and backed away, he then composed himself, a difficult task when staring face-to-face with a 2,000-pound dragon that can ride lightning. 

He was a man of average height, with brown eyes, a dark colored beard that was tied at the end and was dressed in baggy clothes. 

He looked at me, speaking a language I had heard before but couldn't remember. 

My time with the dragons had taught me a lot about body language though, and while I couldn't understand most of what was flying out of his mouth the fast pace he said it and the shaking tone he said it in led me to believe he was afraid.

I could also smell his fear, as well as everything on the boat. The collection of scents were making me nauseous. 

There was fish, fruit, leather, metal, ink, and the faint smell of people and dragons.

He kept his hands clasped together and close to his chest. Then he stopped babbling and stuck one hand out a little. He had asked me a question.

I stared at the man, he was shaking a little, glancing around the boat nervously, where more dragons had started to gather. Then it donned on me, the question he asked… he was bartering for his life. 

The panic and fear in his eyes unnerved me for some reason. This wasn't the first time we had threatened sailors who came too close to our island, we've even had to sink a few ships. 

So why did I feel like this was so wrong? 

Maybe because he was cornered? I had always killed when absolutely necessary, and even then, our adversaries were well armed and looking for a fight. 

The Viking must have realised I was having some sort of dilemma, he backed up, still facing me and started talking again. 

This time he spoke slower, I could understand a few words. 

He wrote something down on a small piece of parchment, picked up a small cage with a Terrible Terror inside and tied the parchment to the dragon's leg, talking all the while.

Then he turned back to me, one hand hovering near something on his side, he noticed me looking and began waving his other hand, talking louder. Trying to distract me. 

By the time I realised it was a sheath, the dagger it held was already in the Vikings hand, he lobbed it at me with the speed and accuracy of someone who had done so for quite a few years. 

But I was good with my weapon as well. 

Sparks flew off my scythe blade as I sent the dagger into the ocean. 

He then practically threw the Terrible Terror in the air and shouted a few more words. 

" You okay, " Cortona asked. 

I nodded, the blade didn't touch me but I was shaking. He had caught me off guard. 

" Let's leave Steeltrap to do what he's good at, " Cortona offered, noticing my reaction. 

" Hurt him, " I commanded the Razorwhip. 

He let out an amused growl, " You know I like to play with my prey first."

Cortona took off, back toward the island. She didn't ask about the shaking. 

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