Donghua was intrigued at this and prodded further. "what kind of gift, little love?"

"something for you to unwrap. Now, tell me if you know about them, dijun."

He took in, her turned head and the flushing red face. This made him wonder, what that gift could have been. Though, not giving up the chance to tease her further, he said, "but what I love to unwrap most is you, jiu'er. What would I do with something else?"

Feng jiu turned the same red as her hair. She mumbled, "who said it was something else" before hiding her face in her hands. Dong hua though had heard her clearly. Her words had shocked and pleased him at the same time. He couldn't help the cackle that spilled out.

Feng jiu watched from between her fingers as he gave out a loud, robust laugh. She loved seeing him laugh. It was so rare a sight that she wanted to savor each and every moment of it. Donghua caught her sneaking peeks from the gap between her spread fingers. Quietly, he reached out and pried her hands away from her face. "don't hide from me, little love. If you want the clothes back, I can do that but first, you have to promise me something."

"what is it?"

"Promise me, that you'll give me a chance to unwrap that particular gift, later," Donghua said in a gruff voice.

The previous blush hadn't even faded off her face yet when another red blush crept up on her cheeks. Unable to formulate a response, she merely nodded her head in answer. This must-have satisfied dong hua because the next minute, their complete wedding ensembles appeared on the stand beside the dresser.

Pleased at having her clothes back again, she heaved out a sigh of relief and went back to combing her fingers through dong hua's hair. Playing with his soft silver strands tended to soothe something primal inside her. It was the one thing that could calm her down no matter the situation. So, as she played with his hair, he spoke up.

"tell me something, xaio bai. Did you know, I could hear everything that you and Zhong lin talked about earlier?"

She nodded her affirmation. "I did."

"and why was that, little fox?"

This time it was feng jiu who smirked. "you are not the only one who can read minds, dijun. I purposefully left the barriers open, when I was talking to Zhong lin. I wanted you to know what I had told him to do, in case there was some issue with it. I didn't want to do something that could cause problems for you."

"It doesn't surprise me that you know I can read minds. Somehow, you always end up unearthing all my secrets." He shook his head at this before he continued, "but I am surprised that you can do it yourself. How did you learn that, xaio bai? Because from what I know, even mo yuan hadn't been able to cultivate this skill."

"you are right. But mo yuan, also didn't spend nearly a thousand years in the mortal realm. It wasn't him, who was trying to run away from everything he held dear, only to fill up every second of every day with meaningless things to distract himself. That was me, dijun. In those thousand years, I learned and practiced everything that I possibly could. Distraction was a means of survival for me. Also, practicing on humans was far more interesting than practicing on immortals. They have so much going through their minds, at any given moment that it was hard to keep up. Some were too easy to read while some were so hard to crack that it would take me hours to poke inside. When I first started, a lot of the mortals detected my presence but they were so focused on not believing the existence of gods and magic that they blatantly refused to acknowledge, what they had actually seen and felt. Over time, I mastered the art. Having control over such a powerful skill, though made me understand, why you have kept it under wraps for so long."

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