Chapter 3: The Shining Beacon Pt. 2

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Y/N P.O.V.

Yang and I got to the auditorium, and we were waiting for Ruby, since we kinda ditched her. But she was walking with the person she nicknamed "Vomit Boy", but neither of us knew his name. But Yang was more concerned about meeting back up with Ruby, because she felt a little bad for leaving her. But there was a face that I recognized right behind Ruby and "Vomit Boy".

Yang: "Ruby, over here! I saved you a spot!"

I turn to Yang. 

Me: "Hey, I'll meet up with you guys after the ceremony. I wanna see if I meet any new people."

Yang: "Alright! Don't get into too much trouble!"

Me: "Do you even know me?" I say jokingly.

I'm walking, and see a certain redhead that I recognize from the co-ed Mistral Tournament that I competed in. I didn't do ridiculously well, seeing as I got knocked out in the second round, but the person I lost to was a pretty good sport, and we had pretty regular conversations throughout the rest of the tournament. I approached her.

Me: "Pyrrha Nikos?"

Pyrrha: "Y/N L/N? I didn't know you were going to Beacon. Don't you still have 2 years of training left at, what was it, Signal?"

Me: "Well, I did, until a little evening dust robbery that I helped stop attracted the attention of the headmaster here. He wanted me and the person I helped to study here this year."

Pyrrha: "That's great! I haven't seen you since the tournament. How have you been?"

Me: "I've been doing alright. Still working on improving my physical state as a huntsman." I said to the girl who stood nearly 5 inches taller than me. "How about you?"

Pyrrha: "I'm doing alright myself. Just trying to hone my skills further so that I can be the be the best."

Me: "That's what we should all try to do. It wouldn't be a job only a few people took if it was easy."

Pyrrha: "I couldn't agree more."

Me: "Alright, well I gotta go catch up with my group. I can't wait to get my rematch this year! I've got a new semblance trick." 

Pyrrha: "I'll be waiting."

Me: "Bye Pyrrha." 

Well, she hasn't changed a bit. It was nice to see a face I hadn't seen in a while. I couldn't tell who it was from where I was, but it looked like Weiss Schnee, the heiress of the Schnee Dust Company, was talking to Ruby, in a way that I didn't really like. I made haste, and got there just in the middle of it.

Me: "What's up?"

Yang: "Ruby got off on the wrong foot with someone."

I had seen this situation before.

Me: "Well, why don't you guys just start over and try to be friends, okay?"

Ruby: "Yeah! Great idea, guys!" Ruby holds her hand out. "Hello Weiss! I'm Ruby! Want to hang out? We can go shopping for school supplies!"

Weiss: "Yeah, and we can paint our nails, and try on clothes, and talk about cute boys, like tall, blonde, and scraggly over there!"

The guy Ruby was talking to before took notice of that, and perked up. Ruby had some hope there.

Ruby: "Oh, wow, really?"

Weiss expression changed to a frown, meaning that her whole "spiel" was filled with sarcasm. 

Weiss: "No."

I look at Ruby.

Me: "That usually works."

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