"Now go get changed, we want to make a good first impression."

"First impression? On?"

"Our new neighbours of course! We're gonna surprise them with the brunch I've prepared. I sure hope they aren't full from breakfast if they're morning people." She said as she went into the kitchen.

"But—" I wanted to save her and myself a lot of time and unnecessary awkwardness but she didn't seem to notice, simply brushing me off.

"No buts, now go change. Don't want the pancakes to get cold."

"Ughhhh... fine..." I quickly grabbed my phone to text Ash and Paul about the situation, when it struck me... we didn't have their numbers.

"Well this was going to be a long day." I looked down at fennekin who sympathetically nodded at me.


Seeing as how stubborn my mother was, I decided to let her find out about Ash and Paul on her own. Although, I would rather stay with them than the Smiths...

"Mom, just keep an open mind about letting me stay with the new neighbours, ok?" I said as she pushed me out of the door.

"Sure." She said, before continuing. "Why? Do you know something about them?"

I forced myself to not facepalm. 'It's not like I've been trying to tell you that the entire morning.' I almost wanted to say, but I just settled with, "Yeah well I go to school with the kids that moved in."

"Oh, so at least you won't be totally new to the family." She cheered with delight.

"If only you knew..." I muttered under my breath so she wouldn't hear me.

We walked past our front porch and made our way to their's and it was only then I realised how big the house really was, about twice the size of mine, and I couldn't imagine how lonely it must've been without Paul at first. Then again Ash had his Pokémon, which I'm sure loved to keep him company. Their bond is just amazing.

Mom walked over to the door and promptly pressed the doorbell, while I reluctantly trailed behind. 'Well this was going to be awkward.'

I heard the shuffle of footsteps before the door was unlocked and opened. A surprisingly awake Paul greeted us with a... SMILE?!

Even though he was getting closer to the group, I still always felt nervous around him, and I could never get used to him smiling, laughing or joking, when those rare times came.

"Good morning Serena, and Mrs Yvonne I presume?" He said politely, leaving me slightly dumbfounded. Honestly, I expected nothing more than a grunt.

"Call me Grace please. I'm glad to meet a friend of my daughter, although if you don't mind me asking, how do the two of you know each other?" She inquired, and I immediately knew she was referring to the age difference between us and she shot me a sideway glance.

"Well we're actually in the same grade. I've actually been retained 3 times." He casually said as my mother simply nodded.

"Would you like to come in?"

"Only if it's not a bother."

"Oh it isn't. But I must apologise if our house is a bit messy, we weren't expecting guests." Paul said as he opened the door wider and gestured for us to enter. I looked around the interior of their large house, and it looked bare compared to my house, adding to the spaciousness. Their grey walls lacked any decoration whatsoever, and so did the tops of cabinets and cupboards. The only thing that stood out was the shelves just before the staircase to the second floor, which bore gym badges and trophies of various Pokémon leagues I'm assuming Ash had participated in. Aside from the single dirty sock tucked underneath the carpet and the bowl of unfinished chips that rested on the coffee table in front of the TV, the house looked 'straight-out-of-a-catalog' neat. If you told me a pair of teenage boys lived here I would've called you crazy.

The New Kid: Year 1Where stories live. Discover now