Meeting them

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In the middle of the night, in the middle of my wonderful dream where I'm about to have kiss the cake of my dreams I suddenly hear a noise from the other APARTMENTS I swear I'm gonna kill the next person who disturbs my wonderful dreams. I woke up to see who it is I went outside to find no-one and knocked on the other apartments door to see if they heard it to i knocked once, twice, thrice no-one opened the door RUDE!!! I ended up kicking the door before leaving to go back to sleep. For some hours I couldn't sleep thinking about the noise I ended up sleeping somehow I don't exactly how but I did so yeah.

I woke up to the neighbours screaming at each other I looked from the window to find a husband and wife screaming at each other I get that they want to fight but please don't wake people up at 8am wait 8am shit I'm late, I ran into the bathroom to brush my teeth and shower I ran out to find it was already 8:25 shit shit shit I'm dead if I'm late I ran out wearing this outfit.

I didn't have time to put my shoes on I ran out with just socks on and put my shoes on the way to the bus stop I looked like an idiot running to the bus with no shoes I got on the bus and sat down trying to act normal as possible even though I felt like laughing like a hyena infront of the other passengers nah they'll probably I'm some young drug addict teen which would be embarrassing.

I sat alone at the back admiring the scenery in front outside the window it was almost autumn the leaves were a beautiful sunset like color when the sunlight fell upon the leaves it left a bright orange shadow on the road. It was such a amazing yet enchanted sight, I didn't even know when we got to school, know the feeling when you're somewhere you go on your phone or day dream for few seconds and you're in a completely different place well that what I was feeling right now. I also realized I was the last to get off embarrassing moment right there, as I was getting off the bus I hid my face from embarrassment. I arrived just on time I had only 1 sec for the bell to go. Thank god I survived with 1 sec to go ah never mind gotta run. I ran to my roll call to find the teacher almost leaving he marked me here giving me a warning not to be late again. I ran to my first class which was Geography an interesting subject yet a little boring. Recess was next I sat with my group of friends guess what today they hadchocolate sponge cake as dessert, bless that person who made this school and cake, well actually bless the canteen lady and the principle. I had to pick my sis's baby today she told me she went overseas with her husband for business and fortunately they appointed me as their baby sitter. I ate the mouth watering heaven called cake while my friends just laughed at my obsession for cake, I felt some paires of eyes behind I looked to find some boys looking towards my direction.

'You've been staring at them a lot, whats up'

'Nothing they looked at me so I looked at them anyways who are they, I've bumped in them a lot of times'

'Well they consist of 4 groups their a total of 32 boys, the group called EXO have 12 members, the group called BTS have 7 members, BAP have 6 members and GOT7 have 7 members.'

From what I found out from Jenny EXO:Xiumin, Luhan, Kris, Suho, Lay, Baekhyun, Chen, Chanyeol, D.O, Tao, Kai, Sehun. BTS: Jin, Suga, J-Hope, Rapmonster, Jimin, V, Jungkook. BAP: Youngguk, Himchan, Daehyun, Youngjae, Jongup, Zelo. GOT7: Mark, JB, Jackson, Jr, Youngjae, BamBam, Yugyeom. Meh like I care let me just finish my cake and get to class.  

I didn't concentrate in class thinking about them, in my 3rd class a boy I'm guessing Zelo came up to me and said hi and if I could sit next to him and his hyungs at lunch luckly my friends had dentention at lunch so they won't mind me sitting next to the so called 'Kingas'. When there was only 1 or 2 minutes I looked at Zelo I could tell he was impatient by tapping his foot and fingers on the desk, the moment the bell rang Zelo took my hand in the middle of me packing up my things. He dragged me to a room where there was a big table big enough for 40 people with a mini kitchen and some servants, I thought the school wasn't allowed to have such things as this. He told me to stay while he ordered our lunch I sat in one of the chairs waiting for him, he arrived with our lunches in both his hands. I grabbed mine and his and placed it on the table at the moment we were about to eat the door flung open and a lot and I mean a lot of boys came in Zelo being familiar with them stood up to greet them where I hid behind him only one of my eyes revealing from Zelo the boys froze at the site of me behind Zelo. They greeted me and extended their hand as a sign of greeting but I hid more behind Zelo I admitted I was able to make friends quickly but with certain popular people I am a little shy. 

Your Lunch

Zelo took my hand in his and slowly pulled me from behind him, 'Hyungs this is Mia, Mia these are my hyungs come on don't be shy'. I nodded at him and said hi to his hyungs, remembering all of their names as Zelo introducted them one by one. Soon after we sat to finish our lunches me sitting in between Zelo and BamBam eating our food quietly. The boys talked but me sensing the akwardness with me in the air decided to stay silent, but lets just say that didn't last long soon I started to talk to them as friends. Lunch ended after we all went to class, I found my friends and told them about lunch as I finished they looked at me with such intense eyes. 

'Whats wrong, why are you staring at me like this'

'Mia-ah you're the first girl to ever behave this way with them, heck you're the first one to ever being able to talk to them hell have lunch with them, Mia you need to understand you can't be friends with them they're dangerous you have to stay away like us'

I nodded my head understanding them, they smiled at me before hugging me into a group hug. Questions rang in my mind but I just pushed them aside just enjoying the moment. The school ended waving my friends goodbye, I went to the daycare centre to pick Mason my sis's baby up. He was one of the last kids there I arrived saying sorry for being late, he gave me a look before smiling and asking me to tell me to buy him ice-cream since it was only 2pm.

As we walked to the park Mason told me what he learned today at it was interesting to listen since I was learning from my nephew. We arrived at the ice cream shop to find all of the boys there eating ice cream and having fun. I hid my face in embarrassment walking to the counter to order 2 ice creams, Mason kept on trying to climb up the chair while I laughed at him before picking him up to place him on the chair and ordering our ice cream. 

'You have a beautiful baby and you're so young so who's the father may I ask'?

The lady on the counter asked me I just left it as that, Mason kept playing with the lady while I played with him at times. 

'Oh Mia hi it's Zelo'

I ignored him many times before he thought I couldn't hear him and came over, 'This is your son wah he's so cute and adorable he looks just like you' Zelo said.

'He's not my son he's unnie's baby'

Zelo invited us to their table with the boys there as well, Mason and them started playing with the boys but mostly the childish and cuties of the group which were BamBam, Jackson, Jungkook, Jimin, V, Zelo, Jongup, Luhan, Xiumin. After about 5 mins the lady arrived at our table with the ice creams, I gave mine to Youngguk to hold while I grabbed Mason off V who whined to me for taking him. I grabbed my ice cream off Youngguk and fed Mason cookies and cream flavoured ice cream with a small plastic spoon that the lady gave me, I fed him a spoon and fed myself one. The boys which I didn't realise till I finished the ice cream and Mason fell asleep on shoulder kept on staring at me.

'What, what, why you'll staring at me?'

'Nothing its just that you really look like his mum, you know you're become an awesome mom'

'Haha thanks well its time for us to go I need to go home now okay bye guys'

They came with me to my APARTMENT I remembered that they lived right next to me Ohh happy days Ohh happy days not the sacrasm. They came in my APARTMENT without permission and INVADED MY PRIVACY while I prepared some baby formula for Mason while Suho held him the way I held. Mason woke up crying and asking for me, I held him and patted his back while some boys helped me place him down while I fed him well he puked it out some times but he ate peacefully and happily. We all watched dreamworks or animated movies for the whole time till Mason fell asleep thank god tomorrow we had a day off so relaxing day. Mason fell asleep on my shoulder while Jimin fell on the other and V on my lap and BamBam on my legs. It felt like I was some plushie or pillow for babies or kids to sleep on. I took all their heads off slowly before moving to my bedroom to sleep, Mason slept with me tonight snuggling to me and a small pillow my sis gave me before leaving.

The door to my apartment opened and footsteps ran out I guessed the boys left. Thinking that I fell asleep with Mason snuggling to my neck and collarbone, I patted his chest making him fall asleep and me slowly slowly falling asleep.

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