She, who kept my secret

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"Hyunjoon ah, she's here," Eric shouts from the aisle.

"Do you need help?" Her voice rings from outside my room. she is already by my door. "You need to change the bandages."

"Ah yeah, come in," I call out.

"Good morning, young master," She jokes and kneeled in front of me. "Can I?" She asks as she put the first aid box beside her.

"Don't call me that," I chuckle and gently move my right leg so she can take out the bandages and change it to the fresh one.

"It'll sting a little," She carefully takes out the bandages. "That must be very painful," She winces in pain as I hiss out of the stinging pain.

I nod and stare at her. she's so careful. she treats the wound delicately.

"Who bit you?" She asks. How does she find out that it's a wound caused by an animal bite?

"How do you know that I was bitten?" I curiously asked as she dab some numbing ointment and starts to disinfect and re-apply the bandage on my wound.

"I can smell the excess saliva left in the wound back then. and their furs, it was everywhere around you," She explains while wrapping up my other leg.

"There's a pack, which is trying to to take over our territory. I was on a patrol that night and it was a 4 agaist 1 fight. I lost. Two of them attacked my leg. That's why I howled for help," I deliberately explained to her.

"Ah, that's why. That must be hard for you," she sighs.

"Se-ah," I coo. She looked up to me after rolling down my pants to cover up the bandages.

"Hmm~" She hums.

"You're pretty," I blurt out.

I could see a blush of pink crept all-over her face. She was indeed delicate and pretty. Her onyx orbs are sparkly and bright, her skin were fairly delicate, soft voice, plumpy lips, more important than that, she's just a soft and caring girl. If they said there's a love at first sight, I'll say I believe it. I am falling for her. Her pretty face matches with her caring personality.

"Hyunjoon, Se-Ah, time to go to school," Sunwoo's voice gets me out of my daydream.

She immediately stands up and pushes my wheelchair gently out of my room. "Yeah, we're done. let's go," She smiles.

"Sunwoo, Hwall and Se-Ah will take the car to school, since Hwall's injured," Sangyeon Hyung commands.

"Yes, young master," The buttlers bow and nod to his request.

"Sangyeon oppa," Se-Ah suddenly peers to Sangyeon hyung and tugs on his sleeve.

"Yes, Se-Ah?" Sangyeon Hyung looks at her.

"Can you pick us up after school. I need to see all the pack and tell you all something i've been wanting to tell regarding Hyunjoon's wounds," She whispers, loud enough for me and Sunwoo to hear.

"Okay, call! I'll pick you guys up 4PM sharp," Sangyeon hyung nods.

"Se-ah ya~, please keep our secrets to yourself," Changmin hyung says.

"Your secrets are safe with me, Changmin oppa!" She cheerfully chimes as we approached our car. Along the way, she seems so quiet. it's either she was thinking about something or she was contemplating about something.

What do I have to say about Hyunjoon's leg? today is supposed to be our PE day.

wait... what is this?

I can hear her mind?

I was told that mates are the only ones who can listen to each other's mind. But we just met. We can't be mates.

"It's okay. you don't have to lie about my condition. Just tell them I got injured when playing basketball with my brothers," I say and looked into her eyes.

"O-Okay," She nods. "How do you know what I was thinking earlier? Did I say it out loud?"

"I just happened to know," I shrug.



She come again this morning. She said she'd help Hyunjoon changing his bandages. From the tone of her speeches, I could see she's found out about something and she has kept it for a few days to her own. She wants to ease her suspicion by talking to Hyunjoon about her worries. It seems personal but it's what she has to do before telling us. I dont realise I have been staring onto Hyunjoon's door while thinking about this.

"Younghoon ah, what's in your mind?" Hyunjae asked as he puts his coffee mug on the table and took a seat beside me.

"Nothing. It's just I knew her a few days ago and I begin to trust her to be around us," I shrug.

"Don't lie. I saw you burning holes into Hwall's door," He chuckles and pauses a little bit. "She'll be okay with us, I guess," Hyunjae nods.

"I have this urge to protect her, like our own kind," I look into his eyes.

"Yes, some people might aim at her. especially those ones against us," Hyunjae nods in agreement.

"Jaehyun ah, I think she has found out about something. Something she had to clarify with Hwall first before alarming us," I say, leaning my head on his shoulder.

"Let her be. Both of them are seventeen, we need to give them more liberty to do what they think is right," He say, holding my hand.

"They do look good together, don't you think?" I ask, earning a nod from him.


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