"Just don't do it again" he started to tidy up the room around him

"I'll leave you alone"

"That would be great"

"And"he paused to a moment "I'm really sorry"

"Be careful"

Gyehyeon closed the door and hoyoung was alone,as soon as he closed the door he put his hand on his mouth to muffle the sound of the coughs he was hardly trying to hold in.

A hand was on his mouth and the other was clutching his chest and fell on his knees as he coughed and lost control over his breathing.

He reached his bag and frantically looked for his inhaler,he then shakily took a puff and held his breath as he laid back on the wall,a tear fell down from the corner of his eye,after a moment he exhaled slowly, he felt a bit relaxed but the coughing didn't stop so he had to take another puff

the coughing became better but didn't go completely,he tried to even his breathing, he can't afford to take another puff as he didn't know when he'll need it or if he can get another one, the coughing stopped completely and his eyelids started to drop, he was so tired but he couldn't sleep, he had a job to do

"Okay show me what's wrong with that stupid stove" minchan slid the door open and wore his gloves

"There's nothing wrong with it, I just wanted yeonho to leave "

"Then why are you on the ground?"

"It's a long story"hoyoung pulled himself to stand up and proceeded to cut some onions

"Since the stove has is in good shape I'll continue my sleep,also gyehyeon went to help yongseung and dongheon, I believe you need to save a room"

"I'm busy now, can you do it for me" hoyoung started to fry the vegetables amd minchan fell asleep

"Seriously?"hoyoung put everything in the pot and closed it "I think I'll need to use one of the classrooms downstairs" he took a rug and soaked it with the water that was used to clean the vegetables

"Dang it it's locked"yongseung twisted the knob left and right, trying to open the door of the kitchen

"Step aside" dongheon took shovel and hit the joints and the knob, that caused the door to fall

"You could've just broke the widow and slid in" gyehyeon entered "but look at that the refrigerators are still on and everything is still good to eat"

"Except for the bread which became more of a mold than bread"dongheon didn't even dare to touch it

"But on the bright side, we have instant noodles now"yongseung raised the packs excitedly

"Okay then how are we going to transfer everything upstairs" gyehyeon asked

"I have an idea, yongseung run and try to  make and opening in the barricade to transfer everything, and call the others" dongheon ordered

"Sir yes sir"yongseung carried two sets of packs and ran to the school

"Okay what are we going to do?" gyehyeon asked

"Help me remove the racks from inside the fridge and put all the things that can't be boxed in it"

After ten minutes the fridge was full of stuff and closed, then yongseung came with minchan and yeonho

"Sorry we're late but minchan hyung refused to wake up"yongseung apologized

"We literally had to drag him, so what's today's mission"yeonho asked

"Today's club activity is to transfer everything from here to one of the rooms in the school, me and gyehyeon will carry this fridge upstairs and the rest of you will take the boxes"dongheon instructed

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