Ch7: The Calm Before the Storm

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"Mom, Dad, I'm home~!"

Hina showed up in the living room that was connected to the kitchen. Dad was watching TV, while Mom was preparing dinner. The daughter's nose instantly caught a fragrant smell of stew being cooked.

"Welcome home, Hina!" greeted Mom as she stirred the stew. "Take a bath then eat your dinner."

"Let our kiddo relax first." Dad smiled and tapped the sofa. "Come, watch the TV with your dad."

Hina looked at the TV. "Oh, the next segment's gonna feature Shiba Inu pups!" she exclaimed. "Wait a sec', Dad~ Imma ask Onee-chan to watch with us."

Hina left the living room and went upstairs.

These past two weeks had been hectic for Hina Hikawa. She, along with her band, Pastel✽Palettes, attended hours of music lessons and intensive training. Not to mention, promotional stuff like photo shoots and teaser videos for their upcoming debut. These days, it wasn't strange for Hina to arrive home at 9 or even 10 PM.

Although Tokyo was a city with a low crime rate, the fact that a high school girl often stayed out late still worried her parents. Sayo, on the other hand, grew suspicious of her younger twin's night activities but didn't express it in front of Hina (Mom was the one who informed her of this).

When Hina asked Aya, the vocalist who also served as their de facto leader, she said maybe their practice schedule was so packed because they had to debut in just two weeks after its forming.

Tonight was an exception. No lesson or intensive training scheduled. Tomorrow their band will have their big debut, so they need to conserve energy. The clock had barely struck 7 PM, but Hina was already at home. Although prior to that, she spent a few hours roaming around Shinjuku's main street with some classmates. Her routine at the agency nowadays made her feel kinda bored.

"Onee-chan, I'm home!"

Hina opened Sayo's door and saw her older twin sitting on a bed. Sayo was so absorbed with her phone that she didn't even realize Hina's presence. Usually, she would complain if Hina barged into her room without knocking. Whatever made Sayo ignorant with her surroundings? The younger Hikawa took a pillow from the bed and sat on the floor.

Hina waited for a few moments, yet still no response. How strange...

"Onee-chan, watcha lookin' at?"

Sayo was startled. "Hina...!" She immediately closed the browser app on her phone and put the device down. "I told you not to look at people's phones like that."

Hina already caught a glimpse of her sister's screen, though. Sayo was looking at a website named "Future World Fes". It displayed photos of various bands performing live.

"Mm, Future World Fes?" asked Hina. "What's that? Some kinda rock event?"

"It's my private matter." Sayo frowned. "You have nothing to do with it, Hina."

"Nothing to do with me, huh~"

Sayo looked away. She didn't utter another word.

Hina pouted. She might be considered as rude for peeking Sayo's phone, but she was kind of desperate. Her sister was so secretive these days, that's why. She hugged Sayo's pillow and shook her head. No, a little grumpiness couldn't stop Hina from inviting her older twin to do something together.

"Hey, hey... Come with me to the living room, then!" Hina wore a bright smile. "Dad's watching that dog show you like."

"It's recording, I'll watch it later," Sayo replied, still facing away. "I'm busy right now." The girl curled her side hair with her fingers. "And you don't even like dogs, Hina."

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