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I ran back home without anyone seeing me, and when I opened the doer to my house my mom was there holding Lexy's mom's brain. Oh no!!!

"What is this Brianna, who are you, I found it in the freezer, did you really think I wouldn't find this," she yelled

"Uhhh...that's not mine!" I said

"Yes it is you labeled the container "don't touch, it's mine, Brianna's, let me make that clear, so don't touch or I'll kill you" and then you signed it off with your name again..." My mom explained

"Okay it's mine but what ever it's no big deal I like eating meat ok," I said

"No big deal that is disgusting how could you do that without giving me any," she screamed at me. ......WAIT WHAT MY MOM KNOWS THATS A HUMAN BRAIN RIGHT...WELL WHATEVER

"Okay then we will share, and I know how we can get a whole bunch we can kill this lady I know and when we are done just feed her poop, and we will have an infinite amount," I explained

"Great! All right and by the way a girl called you umm, I believe by the name Lexy," my mom told me

"LEXY!" I screamed, really I guess she finally came around

I ran to my room and grabbed my cell phone charging and called Lexy! This is so exciting!!!!

"Hello," lexy answered, her voice is so adorable! I can almost eat it and squeeze it to death...almost

"Hi, you called Huh I knew you would come around, you want to see portraits of you that painted, there hanged in my room right now, but I can bring you them I have a whole bunch in my closet about 599 paintings , which is basically 605 or something with taxes according to the government !" I told her

"Noo... Freak I just want to let you know that you better stay away from my mother and Harry, that's right I brought back with him, and Niall will never like you ever because i hypnotized him," she screamed over the phone

"WHAT DONT SPEAK TO ME LIKE THAT!" I yelled, this little monkey still hasn't learned her listen I see...hmm well looks like I have to change my way I teaching Huh, for now I will pretend to be her BIGGEST FAN EVER LIKE BIGGER THAN JUSTIN BIEBERS FAN'S WILLING TO KILL, Although I won't kill this time, maybe. Anyways I will pretend like things are normal I'll pretend to be any average person, I will be normal and then make her fall into my trap!


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 27, 2014 ⏰

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