The Fairy!

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I waited until the sun went down and this stupid fairy still hasn't shown up. This stupid lady lied to me!

Well... That kinda means I killed her, well whatever she brought to on her self.

This is what happens to liars kids, learn from this lady's mistake

Well I guess I will just eat her up to...OR I could mail one by one of her body part to Lexy until she agrees to be BFFL's with me! Hahahahahhahahahahh

This sucker will never make a full of me again, BUT I guess if she agrees to be my BFFL or at least apologizes I will forgive her and forget about her yelling at me. Yeah.. That sounds good!

"Hello Brianna," a voice said

I looked around the room and saw him...the poop fairy!!

"Wow you are real!" I screamed so excitedly

"Yes and I have come to help save the young women and for you," the fairy said

"For me?" I asked

"Yes I want to make a deal with you, I want you to poop out 4 cups a day and give them to me and I will allow you to live ," the fairy said

"You fricken crazy," I yelled at him, grabbed my gun out of my purse and shot him in the head, that fairy must have been on drugs or something, he's insane. Well whatever he's dead now! And the mother is taken care of I can finally go back to stalking Lexy, I'll just force her to apologize. Ahhaahahahahhahahhahahhahah

Yeah I should probably leave this place too. I don't want to clean up that dead body or have Lexy's mother see me when she wakes up.


OMG did you see the new cover I put!!! Huh? Well my actually my brother put it on, I don't even know how. Anyways I am gonna keep it like that for a week or 2 and then go back to the one I had before....

oh yeah anyways I need to talk to you guys seriously



.......So like I just wanna ask why are you reading this book....( isn't it like super weird and stuff) cuz like it was suppose to be a joke to my friend to annoy her, but then it turned into me updating it more cuz u guys told me too, but still this book is so weird and WEIRD! Why do you read it? I have like 800 and something views that's amazing!!!

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