One unread message

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(A.N. What????? Not only did I keep my promise of updating today, but two updates?)

Todoroki stared down at his phone, part of him hoping that it would ring again.

The other part was hoping that it wouldn't ring again, how many times could he purposely hang up before Midoriya got even more suspicious.

Todoroki realized that he had left a message.

Uncertainly, he clicked play.

"Shoto where are you? You didn't show up to lunch and I wasn't able to find you anywhere in the building..." his boyfriend's voice was full of worry and concern, "...did something happen?"

Todoroki frowned, leaning up against the tree he was standing near. He wasn't in the building, he left school a while ago. As soon as the bell rung for lunch he knew that he needed to get out of there.

So now, he was sitting at a park under a tree. Ignoring his boyfriends calls.

Todoroki played the message again.

"Did something happen?"

His father happened, like always. But Todoroki couldn't say that freely. That his father was terrible, that he was afraid of his father.

Afraid of what Endeavor would do if he found out that his son was dating another man.

He couldn't say any of that, not to his boyfriend, not to his siblings, not to any of the "friends" that he had somehow made throughout the school year.

"Shouldn't you be in class right now?"

Todoroki flinched and looked up from his phone, standing in front of him was an older lady, maybe in her thirties or forties. Her arms were crossed in front of her chest in a disapproving manner.

She had short cropped blonde hair just about her shoulder length, and too much jewelry to be real.

"I'm on my lunch break right now," Todoroki answered curtly.

"I didn't think you U.A. Students were allowed to eat off campus," she said, examining Todoroki's face, "I bet you're skipping school by the way you've got all those bruises. Only trouble makers have that sort of look to you."

"Ma'am," Todoroki started, biting his tongue from making any sort of quick remarks, "what I do in my lunch time is of no business to you."

Internally he winced at the angry glare that she shot at him. But instead of saying anything else, she huffed and stormed away.

That gave Todoroki all the help with his decision, even though Endeavor would probably be called for this, Todoroki wasn't going back to school.

He couldn't.

He couldn't bear to see his boyfriend, if he did he didn't think that he would be able to keep up this lie.

The lie that nothing had happened, that Todoroki was fine. That he wasn't scared.

Because heroes aren't scared and if Todoroki wanted to become a hero he had to learn to push down his fears.

No longer wanting to be in the park where there were too many judgmental old ladies, Todoroki pushed away from the tree and resumed walked somewhere else.

He heard his phone buzzing again, probably from text messages.

He didn't bother to read them, it would only make things harder to avoid.

Eventually, after a long while of wandering pretty aimlessly, Todoroki found himself at the beach. It used to be covered in trash but someone had cleaned it up over the summer. Which was nice for the view and the environment.

He sat down by the dock, far enough from the water that he didn't get wet, but he could still watch the waves.

More buzzing from his pocket. Midoriya was probably worried sick. Lunch was probably coming to end very soon.

"Did something happen?" Todoroki asked himself as he hung his head in his hands, letting the sun warm him.

Endeavor would kill him for skipping school like this.

Well what's one more death have anything on the others anyway?

(A.N. Still don't know what I'm doing but I didn't want to go back to the other chapters and see what Endeavor actually did do. So whatever it's 2 am and I'm tired.)

Maybe I am gay [Tododeku] DiscontinuedTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang