#4 The New Mascot 🖌️

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Bunny's POV
Milly said she know what to do to help the carnival. So, right now me, Doggy, and Foxy are in the carnival cafeteria just hanging out. We're also waiting for Milly's design on the new mascot. She said she needed focus to think of something super special and meaningful for this place.

The cafeteria wasn't as small as I excepted from the outside. It can fit six long cafeteria tables and two vending machines. The yellow paint on the wall is starting to tear apart. You can see some of the brick walls under that paint.

The three of us are sitting at one of the tables. Doggy was sitting beside me, and Foxy in front of us. Foxy got me a carrot juice box. I was craving carrots at the time and I didn't bring any extra money because I thought after the camping trip we will go back home. But no. So Foxy was kind enough to get a juice box for me.

And I'm here sipping on it while the two boys talk. "So what do you guys think the carnival's new mascot gonna be? If Milly's plan works that is..." Foxy said, munching down on the berries he got. Doggy reached out and grabbed one berry from Foxy. "Well knowing lil cadet, I know she got this all under control." Doggy threw the berry up in the air and caught it in his mouth.

"I'm thinking the mascot should be much cooler than a potato. Let's say create a cartoon character of the carnival's staff and put them on the entrance. That might attract somebody right?" Doggy sated out his imagination of the mascot. "But, don't you think that's a little too out of their budget. They already hadn't had enough to pay for one mascot." I probably crushed his idea with that. Because he thought for a moment and sighed heavily.

The only thing I could think of as a mascot is a carrot at the moment. But on the other paw, Milly is much more creative than the rest of us. So I hope she does know what's she's doing.

It was quiet for a moment, I suddenly got curious about something and asked Foxy, "Foxy, if you don't mind me asking, who locked you up in a cage in the first place?" I hope that isn't anything too hurtful for him to answer.

"Well, " He started. Scratching the back of his head. "I couldn't really make out what the person looked like. First, it was pitch black dark and the only light source is a beat-up lamp post. Second, the dude is wearing a black cloak. So, I could even tell the police who locked me in there." Doggy turns to Foxy. "Well if you want to know who locked you in a cage, I can start an investigation to help you find the person who did this."

Surprisingly, Foxy shook his head no. "Nah, I would rather not know who did that to me because I might hate them for the rest of my life." I slightly tilted my head to the side and stop drinking my juice box because it's empty. "Some mysteries are just better unfolded." He said as he ate the last of the berries.

Some wise words from a carnival worker. "Yo! Guys!" We heard shouting from outside. It sounded like Milly. Milly's head appears in the doorway of the cafeteria as she giggled. "Ready for the new carnival upgrade I had planned, Foxy?"

Foxy smiled and nodded.

Foxy's POV
We all meet back up at the center of the carnival. Which is also where the circus is. Milly stood in the center as the rest of us stood near the circus gate. There is also a whiteboard behind her so, I assume that she's gonna show us what her mascot idea is. She cleared her throat and started her presentation.

"Ehem, so I have some ideas we can do to help the carnival. And the main idea is to create a new mascot. The carnival has a lot to change if we do that. And it's gonna cost a lot." She paused and took out a piece of paper. "And from what Clowny told me from before the whole infection started, the carnival used to be really popular among our town's population." (I have no idea if this sentence even made any sense... excuse my English lol)

"So by hosting a Fund Raising Event for the carnival, we can save it. The staff here don't have to lose their jobs and the citizens here can come to visit here once again. It's a win for everyone."

I can't believe it. A lil cop can think of those ideas on saving the carnival. I looked around the circus tent we were in. It's all dusty and trashed. I guess there is more than one way to do things. Milly walked forwards towards me, handing out what seemed like a poster-size paper all scrolled up. "And if you're wondering what the mascot is like... Here." Bunny and Doggy got curious too. So they each stood on both sides with me in the middle. I unscroll the poster. When I looked at it, I was kinda disappointed it wasn't anything cool looking. It was a yellow crescent moon. "It's a...moon?" Bunny took the words right out of my mouth. How can a moon be a mascot? Why can't it be something cooler...

Milly chuckled. Clowny and Mr. Billy seem to be giggling too. They know something we don't. "Will, somebody explain to us please?" "Sorry, Foxy. Well, the crescent moon you guys are looking at actually has a meaning on it." She said smirking at us. Is she teasing us right now? "What does it mean?" I asked with a slightly impatient tone.

"I actually learned this a while back. The crescent moon symbolizes new beginnings and the making of dreams into reality." "Care to specify?" Doggy raised a brow at her.

"Since the carnival has a rather tragic history from the infection, I thought it'd be nice to start a new." She went over and touched the tent. Her fingers covered in dust. I guess it has been a while since the carnival had proper care. "So once everything is planned out, we'll start cleaning up here as soon as possible. How about it Foxy?" She looked at me, waiting for my answer.

I looked to where Clowny is standing. The look on his face seems like he like this idea. Well, I don't want to lose my job, nor this place. I took the poster and stick it onto the whiteboard. "Let's do it."

Author's Note
Thank you so much! I've been receiving a couple of comments that really made my day! I know it's not much. But as a starter writer, it really means a lot to me! Thank you!!!❤️

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