Chapter 1. A glimpse of the New Comers

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The sun was already up in the sky, the temperature high and lots of people are already crowding the seashore.

"Princess, slow down. Why are we such in a hurry?"

Making their way down the hill, Malaya was struggling to catch up with the tribe princess who was breaming with energy.

"Hush and just be quick, Malaya. You don't want to be the last to see the new comers, do you?"

Princess Ligaya called from a distance. For a petite girl with short strides, the tribe princess was already ahead of her.

Malaya rolled her pretty brown eyes. She was actually the least excited to see the new comers. However, she does not want to dampen Princess Ligaya's excitement so she picked up her pace.


"Princess,  are we done here? I think it's already too hot. We should go back," Malaya said faintly while she fanned herself with a giant leaf.

It was already too hot for her weak body. Growing up, she was often kept indoors by her father because she was often sick and mostly at the brink of death. So, naturally hear father did not allow her to walk too much, climb trees and play aggressively with other kids. As a result, her coloring was a few shades lighter than the rest of villagers making her 'the odd one'.

She glanced at the Princess by herside who was unbothered by the heat, hands on her hips. Princess Ligaya was very pretty with a very healthy golden glow. She on the other hand was plain, pale and fragile-looking. They were complete opposites, Ligaya is the sun while she the moon.

She sighed and silently wished that she was as strong and vital as her.

She looked around and saw nothing that could interest her except for the massive boat in front of her. It was her first time looking at a Krakatoa as big as the one in front of her right now. Their tribe did not have a boat as big as this.

"Fine, fine but Malaya. Those men are rather striking."

Princess Ligaya looked at her and wagged her eyebrows, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Malaya barely noticed the men on the boat, she was not interested with the opposite sex. She'd rather stay in doors and have a grand time brewing herbs and spices. She was dreaming and hoping that one day, she will be able to make a concoction that will make her more healthy so she can finally run and go on adventures. Despite her calm and serene demeanor is a heart yeaning for excitement and thrill. She also wants to see and visit other tribes, to dance to their rituals and learn their dishes.

She squinted her eyes and stared at the men but she and the Princess were standing quite far. She could not see their faces. How could Ligaya see that they are striking?

She was about to reply when someone spoke deeply from their side.

"What are you two doing here? Oggling those men, perhaps?"

Malaya and the Princess turned to the side at the same time. It was Prince Maliksi, the elder brother of Princess Ligaya. He was sporting a disapproving look.

"A-ah. Hehe... N-no brother. We are just curious. You know, I am the Princess. I should know who is coming to visit us," reasoned Princess Ligaya. She was really good at making excuses.

Prince Maliksi transfered her gaze from his sister to her. His eyes turning soft and concerned.

"Malaya, it's good to see you out here but you look flushed, are you okay?"

Malaya bowed and greeted the Prince. She almost forgot to acknowledge him.

"Forgive me, Prince Maliksi. A good morning to you. How are you? Thank you but I am fine, " murmured Malaya.

Recently, she was avoiding him. Although they were extremely close back then, she decided that is it better for her to keep her distance in hopes that the murdurous gaze of the other females who fancy the Prince will stop. They were saying that a commoner like her does not deserve a handsome Prince like him.

Aside from that, she has already grown into a young woman. It is not fitting for her to stay close with a grown man.

Malaya looked at him, she could not blame those females that are so enamoured with his beauty.

He was indeed handsome, the male version of Princess Ligaya. He was tall and muscular with golden brown skin. His chest was inked with runes and tattoos, showing his prowess. His eyes were very warm and brown, glinting with humor.

Nodding, Prince Maliksi addressed her sister once again.

"Sister, you should return to the house now. Mother is looking for you."

Princess Ligaya rolled her eyes and sighed.

"Ugh! I hope this time, mother is calling me for something important. Let's go Malaya!"

She said, dragging Malaya with her.

The Prince could only stare at them, particularly the one being dragged.
They reached the edge of the coconut trees and vanished from his sight.


End of Chapter 1

Please stay safe, everyone.  I hope I can give you a taste of tropical bliss by reading this book.

I am always looking forward to hearing from you guys. Feel free to leave a comment, even a period will do. Ahahahah! 😊 It motivates me to write more knowing that someone is reading and following the book.

Thank you and Chapter 2 will be released soon.

Sneakpeak of Chapter 2: Swimming Naked in the River

Slowly, they made their way to the big stones where their clothes are thrown haphazardly together with their left over fruits.

The place was quiet except for the soft murmur of the flowing river.
By her side, Ligaya was sobbing quietly while rubbing her eyes.


Malaya stopped walking and looked around. She was quite sure she heard a twig snap. Suddenly, there was a boisterous laughter not far from them.

Heart beating fast, Malaya shook Ligaya and hastily told her to get dressed. They were not alone anymore.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2020 ⏰

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