Ch9: The selection

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"MONSTER!" she screamed as she went.

"Man, what the hell?" he sighed. "Human women, right?"

"It's almost like some people just showed up to kiss ass and enjoy the luxury, without thinking they need to be able to make food." said Abby with a tone of sarcastic mystery.

"Indeed Watson, bitches be trippin." Greg nodded solemnly.

"Are you going to be calling me Watson from now on or is this a thing that is has reached its apex?" Abby asked.

"I may keep doing it indefinitely." he squinted.

"No you won't be." she chuckled. "Unless you wanna double my pay."

"Or not. You do realize I can fire you, right?" he asked rhetorically.

"You could...but you won't." she insisted.

"And why will I won't, exactly?" he asked.

"Because my food is better than hers and she does nothing I can't do better." said a very confident Abby. Violet smirked as if she has a secret weapon, and she did.

"I could just have sex with you, now." Violet suggested.

"A bold move indeed. So you would just have sex with me in order to get the job, and you don't even remotely find me attractive do you?"

"It's a Job, it pays well, and I get to work on a private island." Violet nodded.

"And what was your name again?" he asked with a look of strategic trickery.

"Violet, but you can call me Rice-ball or Watson or whatever you want. I don't care." she shrugged. "You pay well enough to change that name 8 hours a day."

"Interesting...and what has your competitor to offer for her competing dish?" he said panning slowly to Abby for the counter offer.

"She still can't cook, so you still don't have cook. I won't sleep with you for the job because that's just pathetic. You can't call me Watson or any other obscure nickname because I hate nicknames and my name is Tasha. I'll accept Abby because it's my middle name, my grandma called me Abby so I don't mind it. My food is great and you damn well know it. If you'd like, I can make my dessert and you can go bang Violet and then we can compare the two snacks and see who wins, but this ass is not for sale, my culinary skills, however very much for sale at ten percent more than you originally offered because the competition is a joke and you have more money than God." she smiled cheerfully.

"A very compelling dish, you both have played well, and I must say this is the closest round of the day, but there can only be one Forged in Butter championship Sliced Chef master. I may have to consult the judges on this one." he said squinting even harder. "Great food...or potentially great sex..." he muttered. "Judges, any help?" he asked, turning to the imaginary judges. "You guy are no help at all." he sighed to nobody.

"Oh I forgot to mention something. Silly me." Abby chuckled.

"Proceed." he nodded professionally.

"I didn't say I wouldn't have sex with you. I said I wouldn't have sex with you for the money and the job. That would make me a whore. I'm not a whore, I'm a Chef, and I'm also a voracious Quarter Fae woman in my sexual prime, with needs. I'm also a huge fan girl of your music and your bad-boy vibe. I would totally have fan sex with you, and then cook for you, and you would pay me for my cooking." Abby finished. "The sex isn't because you pay me, it's because I want to." she smirked.

Dome of Souls (Book 2 of 2, after Story Less Told)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon