I stood up and looked at my hands. They were sticking with ash. I looked around. Everything was ash. We were underground, and the walls looked like they would crumble when I touched them. Everything was ash. I guess this is WitherMU's place. Everything has withered.

It was pretty much the same as Enderlox's cave. Tables scattered with sharp tools that looked painful, a metal chair with chains, but there were tunnels branching off further into the cave, and I could hear people in there.

I stepped closer to have a look, but it was too dark, and I heard a whoosh of air behind me. I quickly whipped around and screamed. WitherMU was up in my face. Why did hybrids liked doing that? Luckily he still had his helmet on, or I think my face would've withered away. That was how close he was to my face.

"She breathed on my helmet," WitherMU said, and I could imagine him frowning. He lifted up a gloved hand and wiped at the orange glass.

Enderlox shrugged and leaned over the table, looking at the sharp tools. "Nice metals. Though I don't know what you'd use this for," he picked up a spoon-like thing that ended in spirals with spikes sticking out of them.

WitherMU went over and pried the tool from Enderlox's hand and placed it down carefully. He rearranged some stuff on the table. OCD, I would think. "Torturing. You never were as cruel as us, Enderlox." I saw Enderlox's eyes flash purple, then return to their green color.

Maybe there was a way out. The ash was starting to get into my lungs. I looked around more carefully, and ah, there it was. A tunnel with light coming out of it, and also the wind. It also sloped upwards, and I could see a few leaves skittering down the uneven floor. Fresh pine needles, along with one pine cone.

I glanced backwards to see if Enderlox was keeping WitherMU busy, then I crept out of the room and into the tunnel. When I was sure no one was following me, I ran as fast as I could up the tunnel. As I had expected, it burst out into the surface, but unfortunately it seemed like I was still in the snowy biome. Either that or we had traveled from Enderlox's snow biome to another snow biome.

Did all hybrids live in snow biomes? I didn't feel the cold, now that I was in Minecraft, but it was uncomfortable to be sloshing around the snow and leaving footprints. I looked upwards and squinted at the sun. What time was it? Close to evening, I think. I headed east, finding a few torches in my pocket. That would have to do for the night, if I had to keep the monsters away.

"Are you going somewhere?" a voice said behind me. I whipped around and saw not only Enderlox, but WitherMU also. Well, I didn't want to go back there. What if WitherMU wanted to demonstrate those instruments?

I ran in the other direction. Probably not the best idea, since Enderlox could fly, but I was hoping that the forest would thicken and he wouldn't be able to stretch his wings. I heard an explosion behind me, and felt the heat melt the snow. A wither bomb. Probably best not to get caught right smack in the middle of that.

I ran a pattern among the trees, which never seemed to end. Swerve left, then right, and then two lefts, then three rights. A wither bomb exploded to my right. Or maybe not three rights.

I found a skeleton, which, thankfully, was not alive yet. It was forming a bow and some arrows, since the night was approaching, but I saw a diamond sword disappearing. I quickly grabbed hold of that and it solidified again, and I changed direction to circle back to where WitherMU and Enderlox was.

I'd take on WitherMU first. He was the one with the bombs that threatened my life. I hadn't seen any sign of Enderlox so far.

I found WitherMU running at me at top speed. He already had two wither bombs forming on his hands. I ran straight at him and he faltered a bit, the bombs on his hand dying a bit. He seemed surprised and confused, like when I had first charged Enderlox. I leapt at him and stabbed him in the chest, then pulled out the sword and jumped away. He was still dazed, black blood streaked with white oozing onto the snow.

I ran at him from behind and slashed deep into his back. He fell down. Was he immortal? Probably. I stabbed at him a few more times to make sure he's injured, since he had armor on, and then ran away in the direction that we came from.

Now my only concern was Enderlox. Where was he? He hadn't showed up anytime in the fight. I continued running, my diamond sword slowing me down a bit.

"Are you going somewhere?" a face suddenly dangled above me. I shrieked and nearly dropped my diamond sword. It was Enderlox, his fangs showing and his eyes glowing bright purple. He was also hanging upside down, on a low tree branch. I heard a crunch behind me and turned my head, seeing WitherMU with his wither bombs. I could see his white eyes glowing behind his semi-opague helmet.

"Shit," I said, pointing a diamond sword at Enderlox, then at WitherMU. Was Enderlox immortal too? But wait, it seemed like only Enderlox could change back to normal. WitherMU and Skybrine couldn't. Did that mean Enderlox wasn't immortal?

But what if he was? What if I smacked his head off and he just reattached his neck and his head? That would mean death for sure.

But then again, by the intensity of WitherMU's eyes, I think I'm dead anyway. Enderlox had hopped down from the tree and they were both advancing on me, and I think Enderlox has a sword, or two daggers, I'm not sure, because I bumped into something hard and had looked behind me.

This was definitely not my lucky day. I ducked as WitherMU shot two wither bombs at Skybrine, who had appeared behind me.

Now how does a girl outrun three hybrids, two of which are angry at her?

Ha a bit of a cliffhanger for this one, sorry :D

I noticed that I'm like writing at least 1200 words for each of these chapters :D I love writing this fanfic :D

Thanks for all da support :D Follow if ya like, and remember to add dis to yo library if you like it! Also leave a vote, and comments are appreciated!

Take Me With You (Deadlox/Enderlox Fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin