Chapter 2

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"Passengers for Flight Number 310 to Copenhagen Please proceed to gate 5"The speakers in the first class lounge of JFK blared" Passengers for Flight Number 310 to Copenhagen Please proceed to gate 5"

Beyonce was sat in a leather recliner chairs by large windows looking out onto to the plane filled Airport Apron.She finished the last sip of her champagne before getting up & straightening her pencil skirt.

"Anything Else Ma'am?"One of the lounge staff approached her.He was young,white,blonde hair slicked back.

"No"Beyonce smiled,knowing he was flirting with her but she wasn't interested.She was still married,he was too young for her,& not even her type. She leaned to unfasten the grip handle of her Louis Vuitton carry on,pulling it upwards.

"Do you need help with that?I can take that to your flight for you?"He asked.

"I don't think your manager would approve"Beyonce responded with a chuckle as he acted like a desperate puppy.

"He doesn't have to know"He shrugged both shoulders.

"I'm good"Beyonce said,walking away and dragging her suitcase with her.Once she reached the gate,she stood in the priority line waiting for her turn to board.Her assistant Ashley flew out two days before her to gather more information on this new partner.She was honestly the only employee Beyonce trusted.Even though she was an assistant,Beyonce gave her more responsibilities than her rank,& a recent raise in her salary.

"Enjoy your flight"The woman behind the boarding counter smiled at her after scanning her boarding pass,& giving it to her. Beyonce nodded with a smile before making her way into the passenger access ramp.

"Welcome Aboard"Greeted two Flight attendants,one male & the other female who stood opposite of each other on both sides of the aircraft entrance. 

"Your seat is on the second row to the left of the aircraft,aisle seat"The female flight attendant's finger's pointed around the cabin after taking a look at her ticket. Beyonce quitely thanked her before making her way down the first class cabin to her seat.Locating her seat,She placed placed her carry on in the overhead compartment before sinking into her seat with a sigh.She closed her eyes ,already exhausted despite minimal physical effort being exerted.It was the effort of trying to keep herself from breaking apart that was weighing her down,but now wasn't the time to deal with it because she had business to attend to & she was in public.That was a problem to be dealt with when she got back from the trip

The plane started filling up,people moving up the aisles making they're ways to other cabins & others settling in the business class cabin. Beyonce was focusing on the rise & fall of her chest,tuning everything around her out when someone interrupted her.

"Excuse Me?"she heard,making her open her eyes.She looked up to see there was a man standing next the arm of her seat.

"My seat"He pointed to the window seat that was next to hers,then looked down at her handbag which was blocking the way to his seat. Beyonce bent over & picked it up,placing it on her lap & allowing him to pass.

"Sorry"He said when he accidentally kicked her ankle,making her roll her eyes in annoyance.She normally wouldn't care since he apologized,but the recent events made her patience thin.Thankfully Beyonce was classy,& was a master at keeping her composure.It came with the practice of climbing the corporate ladder.

Beyonce turned to take a look at this ankle kicker.He seemed to be in his late 40s or early 50s. He had brown hair which was lightened as a result of the graying.It was shaggily parted from the side,His bone structure was impeccable,jaw & cheekbones could probably cut through diamonds.Small,straight nose with defined nostrils & full lips,the upper lip slightly pushed forward,giving him a distinct pout.His forehead was wide,brow bones protruding over his brown eyes,but his eyebrows were very thin to the point where they were almost none existent.His skin had a nice golden tan to it,probably was an outdoorsy type of guy.He wore a black t shirt,dark blue jeans & matching black Nike sneakers with a tanned leather jacket ontop.

He sat with his legs crossed,left over right with the ankle resting on the knee.When he shifted to grab his phone out his pocket, Beyonce could smell the faint residue of cigarette smoke mixed with his subtle cologne.He put the phone to his ear & began quietly talking & chuckling on it in a language which Beyonce assumed was danish,since they were flying to Denmark.

"Would you like anything to drink ma'am?"A flight attendant asked her,taking her attention away from the man next to her.

"Just water"Beyonce said,not planning on ordering alcohol early into the flight,especially with her stomach being empty.

"Would you like Ice with that?"The woman asked.

"Yes"Beyonce nodded"& lemon slices please"She added.

"Enjoy"The woman smiled after preparing her drink,handing her the plastic cup"& what about you Sir?"She turned to Beyonce's number,who was still on his phone not paying attention. Beyonce gave him a light tap on the shoulder,nodding her head towards the attendant when he turned to her.

"Sorry"He apologized,then quickly said something on his phone & hung up"Do you have beer?"He asked,his thick accent lacing his voice.

"Sure"The attendant nodded"We have Budweiser,Budlight,Samuel Adams,Dos Equis,Amstel light & Heineken"

"Heineken would be fine"He replied.The flight attendant reached for the second compartment of the cart,taking out a can & a plastic cup.She gave the can a light tap before opening it & pouring it's contents into the cup,carefully extending her hand infront of Beyonce & handing him the glass.

"Would you like a snack with that?"She asked.

"Sure"He nodded,& she handed him a bag of salted pretzels before wheeling away to other passengers.A few minutes later,the aircraft speaker started.

"Good Evening Everyone,This is your captain speaking.I'd like to welcome you all aboard American Airlines,flight number 310 to Copenhagen.The arrival time is expected to be at 11 am Central European Time.The expected temperature is 54 degrees Fahrenheit,about 12 Celsius.We should be taking off in five minutes.If you have any questions,our cabin crew is available for help.Thank you for flying American Airlines,we wish you a pleasant flight."The announcement ended"Flight attendants please prepare for take off"

A small clip then played on the viewing devices which was the standard flight safety rules & regulations.Flight attendants were walking along each aisle reminding passengers to fasten their seat belts & turn their devices to airplane mode.

Once they were in cruising altitude & the seat belt signs were off, Beyonce took out her bag & made a beeline to the bathroom where she wiped off her makeup & changed into much more comfortable clothing.

Dinner was later served & Beyonce took the opportunity to get some alcohol in her system to .Not too much,but a glass of wine to help ease her nerves.She didn't finish her plate,her stomach tight.She tried to watch a movie or anything on the TV,but there was nothing that grabbed her attention.She would glance sometimes from the corner of her eyes at her neighbor out of sheer curiosity.He was intently watching a show on the TV. He wasn't bad looking,but he needed a wardrobe adjustment she thought to herself when she glanced for the second time.The third time she glanced,he caught her.He held her gaze for about a few seconds before she broke it,quickly averting her eyes.She felt her cheeks burn & thanked god the light were dimmed so he couldn't see her.She wondered if he was also stealing glances at her & they just happened not to be sneaky this time,both of them deciding to look at each other at the same time.Eventually when she calmed down,she managed to fall asleep because lord knows she needed it.

Mads thought the woman sitting next to him was absolutely gorgeous.She had curly,blonde hair that framed her oval face.She had warm,almond shaped hazel eyes with perfectly arched eyebrows over them.The skin on her face was almost pore less,& her lips were full.She smelled of cocoa butter & lemons.Mads could feel her glance towards him at time,even when she thought she was being subtle because he wasn't gonna lie he was doing the same.Their eyes met at the same time when they were both trying to be subtle,each one catching the other red handed.Mads decided to hold it for a few seconds,test the boundaries a bit.She withdrew it after also participating,& he went back to what he was doing.He felt his pulse quicken,the after effect of her honeyed gaze still there.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2020 ⏰

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