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Jesse and I were laughing at the coffee counter as he told me the stories of Scott's recent dates when Eden walked in.

Our laughter paused as he approached us.

"Hey. Cova, can I talk to you?"
"Uh... sure." I smiled.

We headed out onto the street and went on a slow walk around the block.

"What's going on, Eden?" I asked after a minute of walking.
"I - I broke up with Coco. I don't know who I was kidding."
"Yeah. It did seem weird." I admitted.
"Yeah. Quarter life crisis, maybe? Is that a thing?" Eden said and we both laughed together.
"Anyway, thank you for being there. You're always there for me. And uh, thank you." We both chuckled again and Eden's awkwardness.
"Anytime. You know how much I care about you, right?"
"Right." Eden smiled.

We said our goodbyes after we'd done a full circle of the block and I entered the coffee shop again.

"What was that all about?" Jesse quizzed.
I shrugged. "I don't know. I think he's in a weird place at the moment. He told me who broke up with Coco."
"Why does he feel the need to run to you to tell you that?" Jesse frowned and I sighed.
"Jesse, we're friends, okay? That has to be alright with you."
Jesse scoffed. "Friends? Cova, friends aren't in love with their friends. And Eden is."

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