Raincoat Girl: I SAY THE WOMAN IN BLACK OR SOMETHING. That movie with Harry Potter in it.

The Pretender: ... Let's just watch it all.


One: Why do you seem to like horror now?

Two: I watched Tokyo Ghoul the Movie and also Death Note.


Six: Lol I'm like a Ghoul don cha think?

Mono: ... not gonna deny that.

Seven: Yup.

The Pretender: Well then, I should better prepare. I let all the staff in the Nest have a day off sooooo I'm kinda home alone.

Flashlight Girl: Omg do you have food?

The Pretender: Yes I do, the Butler made sure....

The Pretender: And I can make the only food I know to make: Cereals in milk a la Pretender.

Flashlight Girl: Nice, did you perfected it?

The Pretender: Oh yes I did.

Bread Boy: hah.

Raincoat Girl: I'm gonna help her :3

The Pretender: Now, just head to the Nest.... I will send transport.

Six: Yay


| After Some Time... |

The Pretender: I have set the DVD, which movie will we watch first?


Twenty-Three: LIGHTS OUT

Four: Fine... Let's watch Lights Out.

Raincoat Girl: I want Lights Out too :D

The Pretender: Lights Out it is then...

Flashlight Girl: Oooooh we should watch next that movie where this house has tiny demons who likes eating bones like tooth fairies.

Raincoat Girl: The title????

Flashlight Girl: ... I forgot it, I just watched it in TV honestly.

The Pretender: Don't worry I think I know what you mean.

Two: OOOOOH Pretendy dang you have MANY horror movies.

The Pretender: Just a collection to fill the void.

Mono: Why on earth are we still texting???

Seven: Uh duh, so we can hear the movie better with us bein silent.

Mono: But how do we wATcH?

One: Multi-tasking.

Mono: You know what.... Fine... Be like that.

The Pretender: And the movie is rolling!

Six: Dang this place has the nice theatre room. And comfy red lush seats. Nice wide theatre screen...

Raincoat Girl: How do you think I still enjoy movies?

The Pretender: I got unlimited popcorn too over there

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