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[Mono created a chat]

[Mono added Six, Seven, Twenty-Three, Two, One, Three, Five, Flashlight Girl, Bread Boy, Cindy, Raincoat Girl]

Mono: Oookay so I'm gonna be going somewhere to fix the next upcoming survival quiz and I need someone to be my subtitute teacher while I'm gone.

Six: Not it.

Seven: Nah.

Twenty-Three: I'm already a music, magic, and preforming arts teacher so nah.

Cindy: I am a fanfic teacher so nope.

Mono: Fanfic teacher???

Three: Is that a thing?

Cindy: Yes, it is a thing.

Cindy: You know how hard it is to write well, know what you are writing, and still get the plot out while fangirling?

Six: that's hard.

Two: Felt it

Raincoat Girl: It's hard.

Cindy: Or how to contain your emotions when you do/think of doing something horrible to one of your favorite characters for the plot, ready yourself for the nerve wracking comments that you hypothesize are bad only to find out they are good but you still prepare either way because you never know when you'll get hurt, how to ease your cringe and level your emotions after publishing a chapter, the continue living knowing that you didn't publish a new chapter and feel like the outside world will strangle you for the new chapter that's why I rather stay indoors, or that you must have your eyes lazer focused just in case there are sentences with incorrect grammar or lowkey typos and the fangirls will notice and keep pointing that out???

One: Oh creeves.

Three: Mood.

Mono: Okay you have a problem.

Cindy: You will NEVER know how I feel. Cuz that's how I feel. EVERYDAY.

Cindy: And to the fact you are aware of these feelings but still write fanfics cuz it is like your addiction. Even if you said you'll take a break, no, you'll write, cuz you couldn't help it. Or that even if you know the world doesn't know you, you feel like the world is staring at you with two big beady eyes and watching your every move but you must fight it cuz you chose this life no matter how horrible.

Six: Dang Cindy.

Twenty-Three: U ranted, pls put the drama away.


Cindy: It's a fanfic writer thing.

Mono: We are straying off the topic, I need someone to mentor the others while I'm off.

Three: If it was smashing mirros, but no.

One: Idk anything about survival, I'm just your student.

Mono: Well then...

[Romus joined the chat]

[Zero joined the chat]

[Aquila joined the chat]


Cindy: Hello my other OC children.

Romus: We could help.

Aquila: mhm

Zero: Romus, Aquila, and I know plenty of things bout survival.

Mono: Oh really?

Romus: mhm, I lived in the forest my whole life, I know how to hunt prey in the stealthiest, sneakiest, and deadliest way by pouncing and biting off their heads.

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