Mono: Sorry, Folks. I don't sing.

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[Seven is online]

[Six is online]

[Cindy is online]

[The Lady is online]

[Two is online]

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[Five is online]

[Twenty-Three is online]

Seven: Hey Six, have you noticed?

Six: What?

Seven: There's some fanfics with us singing all the time.

Six: And why not? I mean I have an awesome voice *flips hair*

The Lady: *scoffs* Yeah right.

Six: Oh Mom, you're voice is good too! But mine is better.

The Lady: wHAT?

Six: What?

Seven: That's... Not the point....

Twenty-Three: Although Cindy never wrote me singing yet, she kept fantizing me singing LOTS of songs. 'Swan Song' 'This is the Greatest Show' 'Tightrope' 'Believer'... She never stops.


Twenty-Three: Oh really?


Six: Then what is it?

Seven: I notice we always sing in some fanfics so I thought.... Is Mono ever gonna sing?

Six: What?

Mono: Um excuse me what did I have to do with this conversation?

Seven: Me and Six-

One: *ahem* Six and I.

Seven: Whatever Grammar Nazi.

Seven: Going back, Six and I always sing in some fanfics. And I'm not bragging that my voice is good but it is good.

Six: I'm also doing shameless advertising; my voice is good.

Seven: So I thought... Do you sing?

Mono: Me?

Mono: *laughs*

Mono: Me?

Cindy: Mono spit it out.

Mono: Sorry folks, but I don't sing!

Cindy: It's like you sounded like Eugene there-...

Six: *g a s p* What? Why?

Mono: Just because. I don't like singing.

Twenty-Three: Don't tell me your voice is off-tune-

Mono: No, it's not.

Seven: Then how did you know?

Mono: I sang once, ONCE. But yeah I just don't like to sing.

Six: You not liking to sing is like you don't like breathing!

Seven: What the?...

Cindy: What the flack does that mean?

Six: People sing to ease thier worries away! Like musicals! Everyone loves a muscial! Going like...

Six: There's a window, there's a bed!

Six: There's a table, there's your head!

Seven: Oh yeah! Like...

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